Mobile Checkbook App Review

Anyone out there who has a checking account knows (or should know) the importance of keeping it balanced and knowing how much money you have on tap.  Overdraft fees can be expensive and avoiding them should be a priority.  When a checking account meant you could only write checks, a paper check register worked great.  With the addition of check cards, most transactions occur digitally and pulling out your register to write down the information can be a hassle.  Enter Mobile Checkbook for Blackberry.  Mobile checkbook is the answer to the old school paper registers, allowing you to keep track of transactions with your Blackberry.  I had the privilege of test driving the Mobile Checkbook app, hit the jump for the full review.

After a short loading time (a couple seconds) you will land at the home page (shown above).  You will notice that by default a checking account, and savings account are listed.  The accounts listed are all the same, nothing to differentiate between checking and savings in the app.  You also see a transfer funds option and account tools option.

One great feature of the app is the ability to add more accounts.  This would allow you to add credit card accounts, or even gift cards that you received.  The picture above shows the options when you click on account tools.  From here you can add new accounts, edit existing accounts, or remove accounts all together.  The app is also international friendly and supports other world currency's.  You can set a certain currency as your default, or switch between multiple currency's if you own more than one currency.

Moving into any one account you will get the various options (shown above).  You can log in a deposit, or a withdrawal. **TIP:  When first using the application make a deposit for the current account balance, then start using it like normal.  You can also quickly view the current account balance, and view the full transaction list.  Another great feature is the ability to add recurring transactions for any one account.  This would be good for payments made on a regular basis (car payment, house payment, cell bill), and would remove the need to add as many transactions.  One feature that really makes the app shine above the rest if the ability to send list.  This allows you to export your transactions in an Excel format for use on your desktop.

And finally the transfer funds option from the main menu will allow you to transfer funds between any accounts you have created in the app(shown above).  All in all, this is really a great app for anyone who already keeps up with their checkbook, or someone who needs to keep better track of their transactions.  The user interface is very nice and well designed.  The app is quick and snappy, and packed with enough features to allow you to manage all your accounts.  Another feature to note is the ability to set a PIN number for password protecting your accounts.  The app works great with OS 5.0 and even has screen transitions.  My only issue is that sometimes you have to menu click, then select the "next" option to move forward.  I'm sure this is something that will be fixed in future updates.  I give the app a 4.5 out of 5 star rating.

Application:  Mobile Checkbook
Developer:  Mobatech
Price:  $7.99
Devices Supported: All Blackberry Devices
OS Supported:  4.5+
Download in Blackberry App World


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