RIM Sued Over Visual Voicemail Patent

In 2009, Klausner Technologies (a notorious company who sues Apple and RIM repeatedly) filed a lawsuit claiming ownership of several visual voicemail patents that RIM has filed. Boy Genius Report today posted some very interesting information about a letter, written by RIM, being sent to a small App World vendor (apparently wanting to remain anonymous) claiming that the App World may be "responsible for the damages Klausner is seeking under Section 12 of the App World Vendor Agreement."

The App World vendor apparently gives a visual voicemail service is not part of Blackberry's OS. RIM, though, was the sole company named in the suit, and it covers RIM's visual voicemail patent as seen in newer Blackberry Devices. Interesting that such a big company would sue third-party software, more to this I am sure later.

Boy Genius Report provided this picture of the suit document:


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