Blackberry Bold 9700 and 8530 in Bell's System

The Canadian-based company Bell seems to be getting the Blackberry Bold 9700 and Blackberry Curve 8530 very soon. Although the prices seem a bit steep in the leaked images below from BGR, you can expect the price to go down with a carrier contract. The Bold 9700 is listed as HSPA, could Bell be launching HSPA alongside the Blackberry Bold 9700?

RIM Building a Netbook?

Here is some interesting information pertaining to Research In Motion building a netbook? Wow, here are the details:
"It will be powered by an Intel Processor, 2 GB RAM and 120 GB hard drive. In essence, a basic machine suitable for daily mobile computing and more. Some other hardware specs include 10-inch LCD display, ethernet port, USB, SD medial slot and a DVDRW disk drive. It will be equipped with an internal 3G module that will supports a certain unnamed CDMA network for seamless connectivity as well as a SIM card slot."
It would amazing to see what RIM could cook-up for this. But what kind of OS would this netbook run on? 

Thanks BBOS

New BlackBerry Atlas Images

BerryReview got their hands on some nice pre-release images from Negri Electronics. As we previously mentioned, the BlackBerry Atlas is another Bold, with a target market for China and East Asia. From the photos you can see it is running OS

BlackBerry Atlas Pre-Release Preview

Sal put together a nice video showing you and inside look at the BlackBerry Atlas.

RIM's Twitter App Releasing November 16th?

Our favorite Blackberry ninjas, Sal and his gang, have reported that the rumored Twitter app that is in development by Research In Motion will be releasing November 16th. It was also said that the new Twitter app will have a built in push feature so you will no longer have to manually refresh. This will significantly help when watching others updates and will most likely shame all other 3rd party apps.

BIS 2.8 Coming October 3rd?

Crackberry got a tip today that BIS 2.8 will be brought to the Americas during an outage on October 3rd. I know many people are ready for this upgrade, which will hopefully end some of the nationwide outages we reported earlier.

"There is a RIM infrastructure upgrade scheduled for 10/03/2009 at 2:01:00 AM EST. During the maintenance window RIM will update the BIS Platform to Version 2.8 that supports the Americas; according to RIM all Blackberry Internet Services are expected to be down for 240 minutes. According to RIM this will affect all carriers on the North America Relay." 

Blackberry Pearl 9100 Image?

The German site was sent in the image below of the Blackberry Pearl 9100, or as rumor has it the 'Striker' or 'Stratus'. The image shows the next Pearl to have an 8-way Trackpad, just like the new Curve 8520 and upcoming Bold 9700. It also features a SureType keypad.

Hopefully we can add this to the: 16 New Blackberrys in 2010

New Storm 2 vs Old Storm 2 Hardware Video

Salomondrin posted a new video comparing the newest Blackberry Storm 2 hardware to the older Blackberry Storm 2 9520 hardware. This video shows just how RIM is constantly improving their phones. Sal says to pay close attention to the light leaks from the bottom of the screen and the clicking of the screen.

Thanks for another great video!

Blackberry YouTube Channel Launched

For those who are fairly new to Blackberrys or looking to learn more, the official Blackberry YouTube channel has launched. You can find videos on how to access the web, e-mail, create bookmarks, download ringtones, just about everything. Check it out: here

Blackberry Bold White Shows up in AT&T

BGR was sent an inventory image of AT&T showing the Blackberry Bold White. There was much speculation if the white Bold was real or an aftermarket case. As you can see, one would assume the Blackberry Bold white is very real, and looks quite beautiful.

New Storm 2 and Bold 9700 Photos

New photos of his Blackberry Storm 2 and Blackberry Bold 9700.

Storm 2 Coming October 25th?

BGR was sent a Best Buy inventory image showcasing the Blackberry Storm 2 9550 dummy phone release date. This is very important, as the retail Storm 2 will likely be sent to the stores either before or soon after the dummy units. It was also shown to have a price tag of $599, without a carrier contract.

Mac Desktop Manager Releasing October 2nd

It's official: as of Friday October 2nd at 1pm EST the Blackberry Desktop Manager for Mac will be released, officially. For those who did not download the leaked version, we can bet you're excited!

Blackberry App World Updated

Blackberry App World has officially been updated to version! Not too long ago version .17 released, which made App World available to devices running OS 5.0. We're not too sure what has been added to the new update, but app thumbnail images seem to be loading a lot faster.

We suggest getting the .19 update through the existing .17 version or previous versions of App World, as we had problems upgrading via the Blackberry website (made us downgrade to .15, strange)/

New Blackberry Atlas Info

The Blackberry Atlas information that was leaked yesterday has been updated. The Atlas is actually a GSM device, and not a CDMA, as first noted. The Blackberry Atlas is also another Bold, nothing too new, but it will be for the Chinese and East Asia markets. Salomondrin has gotten his hands on a Blackberry Atlas and gives its details:

  • It says Bold on the back
  • Keyboard of a Javelin
  • Its NOT 3G, its just EDGE
  • Has flash in the camera
  • Has a trackpad

Thanks Sal! We will update it as he attains more info.

Blackberry Atlas Image Revealed

Everyone's favorite Blackberry ninja, Salomondrin, has gotten a hold of the Blackberry Atlas. The Blackberry Atlas is a CDMA Javeline with a trackpad. The Blackberry Atlas is on the left, which is mildly noticeable by the difference of the keyboard.

More photos and videos should be coming soon from Sal, we'll keep you updated!

Blackberry Browser Bug Found

There is a new vulnerability for Blackberrys worldwide. Thought we were so safe didn't we? Recently discovered was the ability for hackers to execute phishing attacks on your Blackberry. This bug relates to the Browser dialog box that provides information about web site domain names and their associated certificates. The BlackBerry Browser dialog box informs the BlackBerry device user when there is a mismatch between the site domain name and the domain name indicated in the associated certificate, but does not properly illustrate that the mismatch is due to the presence of some hidden characters (for example, null characters) in the site domain name.
A malicious user could create a web site that includes a certificate that is purposely altered using null (hidden) characters in the certificate's Common Name (CN) field or otherwise manipulated to deceive a BlackBerry device user into believing they have connected to a trusted web site.
If the malicious user then performs a phishing-style attack by sending the BlackBerry device user a link to the web site in an SMS or email message that appears to be from a trusted source, and the BlackBerry device user chooses to access that site, the BlackBerry Browser will correctly detect the mismatch between the certificate and the domain name and display a dialog box that prompts the user to close the connection. However, the dialog box does not display null characters, so the user may believe they are connecting to a trusted site and disregard the recommended action to close the connection.

BlackBerry Browser dialog box that does not clearly indicate that there is a mismatch between the web server address and its associated certificate:

BlackBerry Browser dialog box that represents a previously hidden null character with a block and highlights (in bold) the non-matching portion of the domain name:

Check with your smartphone carrier to see if they have received the OS update.

Rogers Curve 8520 Dummy Phones Arrive

Treatz sent Crackberry a handful of images showing  the arrival of Blackberry Curve 8520 phones. This means the Curve 8520 is getting set to launch very soon! Look at those sleek black and lavender 8520's.

Blackberry Curve 8520 OS Leaked!

You read it right, the recently launched Blackberry Curve 8520 has OS to enjoy. It is interesting now to know that just about every Blackberry has an OS 5.0 leak for it. As we suggested earlier the past two weeks, OS 5.0 should be arriving officially quite soon. But why? It would make sense to us (and others) that Research In Motion would allow the new Blackberrys to launch, and then release OS 5.0 to the public. This will ensure that users will not fall back in love with the Blackberry they currently own, once they install OS Let us know your thoughts!

- Blackberry Curve 8520 OS (MegaUpload)


>> Discuss Curve 8520 OS in the Findings & Bugs forum

Blackberry Bold and Curve 8900 OS Leaked!

Atlas, Bold owners you can enjoy OS 5.0! I know you and the curve fans have been out of the OS loop for some time, but welcome into the wonderful world of 5.0. Hope you enjoy the upgrades as much as we all have.

- Blackberry Bold 9000 OS (MegaUpload)
- Blackberry Curve 8900 OS (MegaUpload)


Sprint Pushing Tour OS

On Sprint's official blog the admin has made mention that Sprint is pushing OS for the Blackberry Tour. To download go to Options>Advanced options>Wireless Update. The download takes approximately 30 minutes to complete, and the new OS has been reported to allow for improved trackball movement. Some users are getting lucky and can download it, others aren't. We hope you get lucky!

Source: BerryReview

Blackberry Storm 9530 OS Re-leaked

The original leak of OS for the Blackberry Storm 9530 was missing the .EXE file. This caused many speculation over its authenticity as a leak, or if it was a mere hybrid made to look like a leak. Nevertheless, what appears to be a true version of OS has been leaked with, yes, an .EXE file!

- Blackberry Storm 9530 OS (with .exe file)

Thanks BBOS


Blackberry Curve 8330 OS Leaked

That's right, first the Pearl Flip, and now the Curve. I know a lot of your Bold users out there are throwing your berry's on the ground in frustration of being almost last. Don't fret, your time will come soon, when you too can enjoy OS

- Blackberry Curve 8330 OS (MegaUpload)


Blackberry Onyx 9700 Running OS

Here's a nice new image from the Blackberry ninja, Salomondrin. The image shows the Blackberry Bold (Onyx) 9700 newly updated to OS We've heard many reports on what the official OS 5.0 build will be when released in a few months. We've heard everything from .230, .259, 310, but now we see .249, interesting.

Hullomail Now Available for Free

Didn't like the free YouMail voicemail app? Feel suckered paying so much for carrier voicemail apps, like that offered by Verizon for $9.99/month. Try Hullomail! We haven't tried it out for ourselves just yet, but it looks like it could be a genuine alternative to a paid voicemail app.

HulloMail for Blackberry turns your voicemails into “voice-emails” and makes it quick and easy for you to manage them through your email, mobile or the web - whether you’re at work or on the go.

HulloMail lets you:
  • Receive and play voice-emails directly in your inbox, mobile and the web
  • Get notified of any missed call, even in areas with no mobile reception
  • Take control of your voice-emails – it’s up to you, not the operator
  • Share, delete and keep your voice-emails forever, within a click
  • See who’s calling you instantly from your email contacts
  • Access, view, and manage your voice-emails, all from one place  
The HulloMail mobile application also gives you:

  • One click access to all your voice-emails
  • An enhanced single view of your voice-emails
  • Embedded rich contact information from your phone or your Gmail contacts
Note: this app has been optimized for the Curve 8900, Bold 9000 and Tour 9630 on OS version 4.6 with support for other models coming soon.

To get Hullomail, from your blackberry click here.

Blackberry Mr. T Touchscreen Keyboard Slider

*UPDATE* This device is no longer under the codename 'Mr. T'. It is now called 'Talladega'.

According to the new Blackberry ninja, Salomondrin, the rumored Blackberry with a touchscreen and slide-out full QWERTY keyboard has been codenamed: Mr. T. RIM is said to be working on this prototype, who will mimic the size of the Blackberry Storm. It was also said that the
ON/OFF and SEND/CANCEL buttons are on the screen, similar to the Storm 2's design. The slide-out keyboard is going to come out from the bottom of the screen, much like the upcoming LG GW520. What is to happen to the Blackberry Blackhawk we've  heard so much and so little about? Could the Mr. T be the Storm 3? Time will tell. 

Note: the image above is a rendition of what it could look like.

>> Discuss the Blackberry Mr. T in the forums

Blackberry Employee Under House Arrest

An employee to Research In Motion, Pritam Dhillon, who worked as a repair technician at RIM for 2 ½ years, was sentenced to six months of house arrest for stealing company BlackBerrys. Dhillon put the Blackberrys into garbage bags and threw into a garbage can at a fenced-in patio outside. In total he stole 104 Blackberrys, which totaled an amount of $31,000. “It’s truly tragic when an individual who had such a fine reputation comes to this country for laudable reasons . . . and you end up in these situations,” the judge said. Dhillon was caught when a security guard found the bags full of Blackberrys and waited to see who came back to pick them up.

Pearl Flip 8230 OS Leak

Really? Interestingly, the Pearl Flip must not have been left behind in the building of OS for Blackberry's. The guys at BBOS found OS for the Blackberry Pearl Flip 8230. Should be interesting to see how this OS runs on the flip.

- Blackberry Pearl Flip 8230 OS (MegaUpload)
- Blackberry Pearl Flip 8230 OS (RapidShare)


Blackberry Storm 9500 OS Leaked

Hey Blackberry Storm 9500 users are getting some love. OS has leaked!

- Blackberry Storm 9500 OS
- Blackberry Storm 9500 OS (without internal RIM files) Courtesy of BBHybrids

Note: it was said by some 9500 users that you should wipe your Blackberry before installing the new OS.


>> Discuss OS Findings in the forums

7digital Music Store Rockin Out on Blackberry

It was rumored that Research In Motion wanted to get a 3rd part company to offer MP3 downloads for Blackberry's. A service, at it's current time, to slightly battle Apple's iTunes. Well, Blackberry Curve 8900 and Bold 9000 owners are in luck! 7digital released a new free app for you to browse, search, discover and purchase high quality, DRM-free MP3 music from your BlackBerry smartphone. Purchases made on the move are automatically replaced with high quality versions when you return home thanks to WiFi Auto-Sync whilst BlackBerry internet push ensures that any purchases you make on are delivered to your device without any further action.

  • Browse by artist, album or tag
  • View charts and get recommendations
  • Preview and purchase anywhere
  • WiFi Auto-Sync delivery of purchases
  • BlackBerry internet push of desktop purchases
  • Integrated advanced media player
  • System Requirements - BlackBerry OS 4.6 or higher with WiFi
Interested in 7digital? Get it here.

Verizon SKUs Show 9550 and 8530

A new image of Verizon SKUs show the upcoming Blackberry Storm 9550 and Blackberry Curve 8530. This doesn't mean the these devices have arrived at Verizon stores, but it does confirm, even further, that Verizon will be carrying these Blackberry's soon. What this image also shows is there will be two Blackberry Curve colors: black and lavender.

Source: Crackberry

Verizon LTE 4G by 2010

Thinking about getting a new Blackberry soon on the Verizon network? You might want to wait until 2010. In an interview with InformationWeek, Tony Melone, Verizon's chief technology officer (CTO), explained Verizon's decision to roll out its Long-Term Evolution (LTE) nationwide network next year, rather than doing market-by-market. "We want to give our customers a significant footprint," and won't "tease," them he said, with trial deployments. Verizon is going to try to have the service available for some 100 million POPs (points of presence) in 2010 and continue to deploy the network over the next two and three years. "We can build all the bells and whistles and make lots of bold claims," said Melone, "but none of it will matter if the network -- and all of the underlying infrastructure that supports the network -- isn't fundamentally reliable. There will be no substitute for good old-fashioned engineering. Reliability built in at the start based on rigid engineering standards and a disciplined approach year-after-year will continue to be our mantra." So why buy a 3G Blackberry, when 2010 is right around the corner? We suggest you hold-out and wait, as 4G will make your Blackberry's data speeds as fast as broadband.