Facebook Chat Coming Soon to the Official BlackBerry App?

We've heard rumors before that the BlackBerry Facebook app would integrate the chat feature. If you're familiar with the current Facebook app, then you know it isn't anything special. However, we have heard decent improvements with Facebook v1.8 that hit select users of Beta Zone.

First Look: New UberTwitter Design and Features

One of the most popular and widely used Twitter apps, UberTwitter, is soon to be getting a complete overhaul. It is currently in a closed beta (version .9747), but UberTwitter has allowed us to show you a sneak peek before it is officially released to the public.

More BlackBerry Storm 3 Specs Leaked?

You may recall that we broke the first details on the BlackBerry Storm3 back in December of 2009. Now, there are a few more rumored specs to add to the mounting mystery to the supposed next addition in the Storm series.

Leaked: BlackBerry Storm 9530 OS

We heard that we would see a new OS for the BlackBerry Storm 9530 coming up very soon. It has been a very long time since the 9530 has received any love, but this OS comes straight out of China.