Giveaway: bbOSalert - 15 free copies!

This app has just recently released within the last month. This app takes away the trouble of having to search for the latest OS, whether it is an official or leaked version. bbOSalert is a fantastic and useful app for those who must stay 'au corant' with the latest OS versions for their BlackBerry's.

Simply leave a comment with your e-mail. The first 15 to do so will get a free copy of bbOSalert.

Vendor ID 501 Details, Full OS OTA Download?

*UPDATE* We've received more confirmation on this. At the current moment, Vendor ID 501 is BES focused. However, RIM is looking to offer it to end users (consumers). The OS versions will not be OTA, as previously stated. Basically, RIM will be issuing "universal" OS versions that you can install normally via Desktop Manager. This should help speed up the process in getting the latest OS available, instead of waiting on your phone carrier to approve it.

Everyone should be familiar with the BlackBerry option to do a wireless update. As shown by the image above, if you go to options > advanced options > scroll to the very bottom and select wireless update you have (at times) been able to update your operating system (OS) over the air (OTA). Usually, these updates were not full OS versions, but merely a "patch" to the current OS build your device was running.

The only OS versions that would be available through this process are OS versions that have been evaluated and approved by the carrier your mobile plan is with (i.e. Verizon, AT&T, Vodafone, etc.). This has caused an enormous delay in the timeliness that new OS versions release to the public. Many times the carriers do a full overhaul in testing the OS (which may take months) before they'll allow it to be released to their customers. Needless to say, this is rumored to have RIM getting pretty upset with the release lateness of their OS versions to customers.

What's the solution? Introducing 'Vendor ID 501', RIM's rumored solution to get their new OS versions out faster. From the rumor we've heard, RIM is planning on offering the end user (you!) the ability to switch your 'vendor ID' to '501'. By doing so, and utilizing the wireless update as described above, you will supposedly be able to download full OS' as soon as RIM releases them. This should cut out the middle-man (your phone carrier) and allow you the ability to get access to the latest and greatest immediately.

The only downside we've heard to this rumored feature is it will most likely make your warranty and/or insurance with your carrier null. However, we've heard RIM will allow you to switch back to your original carrier's vendor ID so as to thwart any possible problems your carrier may have. We may no longer have to use Desktop Manager to install official OS'. This could dramatically simplify and improve the availability of new OS versions to keep your BlackBerry running smooth. We're very excited about this rumored feature!

Touchscreen and Slide-out Keryboard BlackBerry Confirmed by Analysts

There were a handful of rumors circulating around about a device dubbed 'Mr. T' that would sport a touchscreen interface (like Storm2) and a slide-out full QWERTY keyboard. Then we heard that the codename had been changed from 'Mr. T' to 'Talladega'. There wasn't hardly anymore information or even an inkling of authenticity to back up the rumors.

However, analysts from Kaufman Bros. said they had been receiving strong indications from RIM on a hybrid cross-bread of touchscreen/keyboard. In there analysis they concluded that, "from our understanding, this new BlackBerry would have a full touchscreen plus a pull-out physical keyboard. It would be similar to others from HTC, Palm, Motorola and others but of course sport a distinctive signature BlackBerry industrial design."

Kaufman Bros. also made the suggestion that the new browser RIM is working on is based off of the same web-kit that was used to make Apple Safari, Google Chrome and  Palm WebOS Browser.They also believed RIM might introduce the ability to download other 3rd-party browsers, like Internet Explorer or Google Chrome. Perhaps there might still be a chance for FireFox? We'll see.

BlackBerry Essex (Tour 2) Overview

The BlackBerry Essex, or the the Tour2, just got into the hands of Sal. Although the Tour 9630 hasn't been out for too long, RIM already has it's successor getting ready for release. Sal was able to put together a nice overview of the upcoming Tour2 (possibly the 9650?) and go over the upgrades from the original Tour.
"1) Trackpad: RIM is little by little getting rid of those annoying trackballs that cause problems to most Blackberry users. The Trackpad on the Essex is great, just like the one you can find on a Second Generation Bold (9700), and always reliable. No more sticky trackballs!

2) WiFi: Another very useful add-on by RIM, just like on the Storm 2. No, you won’t be able to make calls through it, but you can certainly e-mail, browse the web, and even send BBMs while on it.

3) 2 GB of internal Memory: Another sweet advantage over your regular Tour. In case you don’t have an SD Card in your Essex you will be able to take pictures and make videos without worrying about buying one.

Rumor has it that the Essex will come out for Sprint here in the US. And as a matter of fact, my Essex is a Sprint phone, but if you are a Verizon Wireless costumer there is nothing to worry about, because we will be getting the Essex too. I had a chance to talk to a “higher up” person from Verizon and they confirmed that they will be getting a “Trackpad Tour”, although they didn’t want to confirm the name or number of such device, they are aware of it already. They haven’t talked about a release date, but on some websites December sounds like a winner, although I wouldn’t hold my breathe on that one. From my personal experience, although I could be completely wrong, December is too close and there hasn’t been many leaks of this phone, so that tells me we might have to wait a little bit longer  for its release (My guess is in between the end of Q1 and beginning of Q2 of 2010)."
There was also a rumor that the camera for the Tour2 has been upgraded. Sal was able to dispel the rumor by taking some test photos. Check them out.

AT&T Stores Now Ordering Bold 9700 - Nov 16 Release Date Possible?

Our AT&T ninja just dropped the bomb on the BlackBerry Bold 9700 (Onyx). Apparently, all retail stores have received their Holiday 2009 lineup order forms. What has finally appeared? The Bold 9700! The pricing listed on the order form is the base price that AT&T pays RIM per order of 4-5 devices. So, AT&T is roughly paying $100 per Onyx.

If AT&T has just received their order forms for the Onyx, can they still match T-Mobile's rumored release date of November Monday?! We've heard that it is normal sometimes for retail stores to receive new devices even as late as the day they're to release. The 16th could still very well be a feasible release date, but we won't know until Sunday. We'll keep you posted!

We have the full raw order form. If you're interested to know what other devices AT&T is getting, drop us a line and we'll be happy to show you.

BlackBerry 9500 OS Leaked

You read it correctly. Storm users are getting some love with the leak of OS for the 9500.

- BlackBerry Storm 9500 OS (~138mb)

*DISCLAIMER* - This is an unofficial RIM software release. If you choose to install, do so at your own risk! BB Leaks is not responsible for any malfunctions or abnormalities that may occur.

Inside BlackBerry Blog Tutorial for new BlackBerry Theme Studio v5.0

Mark from the Inside BlackBerry blog, BlackBerry's official blog, posted a quick synopsis and light tutorial on the recently released Theme Studio v5.0. He shows you how you can create a theme all by yourself. Of course, you'll need some experience with graphic tools like Adobe Photoshop or BlackBerry composer.

Check out the tutorial here.

RIM BlackBerry Twitter App Not Arriving Until January 2010?

We recently received word that the Research In Motion designed Twitter client, which is being developed for all BlackBerry devices, may not become available until January 2010. It has been rumored to be releasing sometime in November. There have been a lot of very nice Twitter apps for BlackBerry's, but the one RIM is designing is said to shame all others. The BlackBerry-own Twitter client will have a 'push' feature for auto-refreshing. This will update replies and other users updates in real-time. If what we've been told about the release date push-back is true, well, we're quite sad as we're sick of waiting!

Verizon Giving Early Upgrades to Select Customers

Verizon Wireless has started e-mailing select customers with details on early upgrade availability. We don't think this is for VIP customers, as they already have the ability to upgrade to a new device every 1yr. Could this be the rumored upgrade offer for original Storm owners? Nevertheless, you'd jump on this to get the Storm2, but it seems as if Verizon wants to offer you an alternative, the Motorola Droid.

There was also talk of the BOGO deal ending November 7th. This rumor has been debunked, as it's now the 12th and the BOGO deal is still available. VZW clarified the confusion for us. Basically, when the Storm2 first released you could also get a netbook for free, as part of the BOGO. The offer for the netbook is what has ended on the 7th. The BOGO for a second free Storm2 will end November 30th.

Mysterious Stratus, Atlas, & Apollo Device Details

We reported earlier on a list of 13 upcoming devices. The list included only the upcoming device codename and hex code. Here is a little more info on 3 of the 13 devices. Two of the devices, Stratus and Atlas, we've already heard quite a bit about. However, one device that hasn't been heard of is the Apollo. Here are the details:
  • Stratus - Pearl (9100?) with 3G and TrackPad (RIM does not want to 'kill' this series of smaller devices!)
  • Atlas –  A new curve model that has a number of occasions we have seen, that is a combination of the new Bold 9700 with a Curve/Javelin keyboard! Contrary to earlier statements, it will be sold on the European market, not solely East Asian. Supports UMA and EDGE, which for this is a big surprise. It will, off course, will also have a trackpad.
  • ApolloThis will be a new product series Curve, which supports, in contrast to his predecessors, HSDPA! The size of this tiny thing is: 108 × 60x13

BlackBerry App World Down?

*UPDATE* RIM seems to have corrected the problem. It may have been only a North American issue? However, it lasted for at least 6hrs early in the morning.

We just got a heads up that BlackBerry App World will not let you download any applications?! We tested it out for ourselves and experienced the same problem. We're running on Verizon network and have tested it on AT&T, so we don't think this problem is network specific. Hopefully RIM will be able to fix this ASAP.

Are you experiencing problems too? Let us know if you are or aren't!

BIG thanks goes out to Dave!

BIS 3.0 in March 2010 and 3.1 Soon After!

Thought BIS 2.8 was worth RIM network downtime? Maybe the release of BIS 3.0 and 3.1 will be even more worth it! They are due out in early 2010. BIS 3.0 will be releasing in March with 3.1 release soon thereafter. Here is what you can expect from the upgrades:

BIS 3.0 (March 2010):
  • Improve the Gmail plugin:

    • Synchronization deleted messages, read / unread and sent between the box and your own Gmail (so far worked only in the opposite direction)
    • The ability to add and remove labels from your device 

BIS 3.1 (Soon after):
  • Synchronize Google Calendar
  • Synchronize your address book from Hotmail account
  • Synchronize your address book from Yahoo
  • Yahoo mailbox will cause an automatic download of Yahoo messenger on the device

New Stasis Theme from Elecite

With the official release of Theme Builder 5.0 during BlackBerry DevCon 2009, Elecite was quick to release their first theme for the BlackBerry Storm2.  The 'Stasis' theme is also available for other BlackBerry devices.
  • 6 customizable icons
  • Open and close hatch
  • Additional 5 quick access icons
  • Available for: BlackBerry Storm1 & 2 (comes separately for OS 4.7 and 5.0), 8900, 9600, 9000, 9700, 85xx & 8350i.

BlackBerry Curve 8900 OS Leaked

As usual, along with an OS leak for the BlackBerry Bold 900 comes a leak for the Curve 8900. Excited 8900 users? Should be. We've got it on our servers. So get it now!

- BlackBerry Curve 8900 OS (~122mb)

*DISCLAIMER* - This is an unofficial RIM software release. If you choose to install, do so at your own risk! BB Leaks is not responsible for any malfunctions or abnormalities that may occur.

BlackBerry Bold 9000 OS Leaked

Could this fix the issue a lot of Bold users were complaining about with the last OS leak? Possibly. Check it out as OS has leaked for the Bold 9000! As usual, we've uploaded it on our own server. No wait time, no viruses, nothing but quick and easy download!

- BlackBerry Bold 9000 OS (~112mb)

*DISCLAIMER* - This is an unofficial RIM software release. If you choose to install, do so at your own risk! BB Leaks is not responsible for any malfunctions or abnormalities that may occur.

UrbanSpoon App Now Available for BlackBerry

Tired of trying to use VZ navigator, Google maps, Buzzd, or Poynt to find a good place to eat where ever you are? The popular app UrbanSpoon, which initially launched on the iPhone, has become available for BlackBerry. You can select the app to show results based on your GPS location or by selecting a city. If you have a BlackBerry Storm, simply shake your phone and the app will begin spinning possible results (like a slot machine). If you don't have a Storm, easily click the shake button to get results. You can customize the app based on price or type of cuisine. You're sure to love this app!

Get this app for:

Buy a BlackBerry at Wal-Mart Get a $100 Gift Card

Looking into buying a new BlackBerry? You just might want to wait and pick it up from Wal-Mart. Starting this Saturday (Nov. 14th) Wal-Mart will be offering a $100 gift card to Wal-Mart if you purchase a new BlackBerry with a 2-yr contract with Verizon Wireless, AT&T, T-Mobile, or Sprint. The deal starts at 8am local time on the 14th and ends November 20th. 

Checkout what BlackBerry devices Wal-Mart has to offer after break...

BlackBerry Technical Seminar on December 3rd 2009

What: Virtual BlackBerry Technical Seminar 2009
When: Thursday, December 3rd, 2009, 9am ET – 5pm ET

Who will be there? Administrators, Developers and CIOs!
  • Seminar content geared to all areas of interest, from high availability and new capabilities of BlackBerry® Enterprise Server v.5.0 for administrators, and working with BlackBerry® Widgets for developers to understanding the impacts of virtualization for the busy CIO.
  • Mix and match sessions to gain big picture learning.
  • View these agendas Now – Administrator, Developer and CIO
See solutions in action in the Exhibit Hall. Ask questions directly of the experts at Research In Motion and of select BlackBerry solution partners. You’re invited to register free, today.

LinkedIn App Coming to BlackBerry

It's taken long enough to get a LinkedIn app for BlackBerry. The Vice President, Search & Platform Products at LinkedIn, Adam Nash, announced at the BlackBerry Developers Conference that they are in the process off making an app for BlackBerry devices.
"We’ve worked hard to develop an application that takes advantage of the unique capabilities of the BlackBerry platform.  LinkedIn for BlackBerry will also include deep integration with the native Messages, Contacts & Calendar applications on the BlackBerry platform."

There isn't an official release date as of yet, but LinkedIn for BlackBerry devices is expected to release sometime in early 2010.

Bell Officially Releases Bold 9700 OS

Bell Mobility has officially released OS for the BlackBerry Bold 9700.

Loopt Unveils Major Update for BlackBerry at DevCon 2009

Today at the Blackberry Developer Conference, Loopt announced a major update for its free application for BlackBerry smartphones, designed to connect users to the most relevant places and people nearby using background location updating.  Now BlackBerry users can take online, offline to discover who’s around, what to do and where to go - representing the convergence of mobile, geo-location, status, connections, and hyper-local – all in one app.

Full press release after break...

Need For Speed Shift Running on Storm2 with OpenGL ES Support

With the announcement of OpenGL ES support coming to all BlackBerry devices running OS 5.0, there was a video presentation at this year's DevCon 2009. The video shows EA Mobile's "Need For Speed: Shift" game running on a BlackBerry Storm2. If you watch the video, you will see the game runs flawlessly and the graphics look beautiful. We can't wait to see what kind of amazing games will be coming to a BlackBerry near you soon!

Upcoming 2010 BlackBerry Codename List?

A reader of our great friends of dropped the ball the other day with a list of codenames for upcoming BlackBerry devices (possibly in 2010?). There are some new names that have not been heard of before. The list totals to 13, but there is supposedly 16 models that RIM is to push out in 2010. What could the other 3 missing codenames be?

Here are the codenames and number code in Hex:
  • ATLAS 0 × 87,001,503
  • ATLASW 0×85001503 
  • CirrusG 0×87000D03 
  • Driftwood 0×04001203 
  • ESSEX 0×05001504 
  • FERMION 20×02000C08 
  • Gemini 0×85000F03 
  • GeminiG 0×87000F03 
  • HARPOON 0×86001503 
  • JASPER 0×84001207 
  • MAGNUM 0×85001603 
  • REVELSTOKE 0×84001203 
  • STRATUS 0×05000D07 
  • TALLADEGA 0×04001807 
    We know Mr. T has been replaced by the codename Talladega.

Hedone Designs 90% Off for B-Day Celebration

Hedone Designs has made a coupon for 90% off all of their designs. This is in celebration of their 1st year birthday. The sale will begin on November 12th at 5am GMT and will end 5am GMT the next day. On the 12th make sure to stop by any MobiHand store to get their themes! Use coupon code: HDBDay90OFF

Telus Storm2 Arriving on Nov 24th?

It has now been confirmed that the BlackBerry Storm2 is coming to Telus. Originally, there was speculation on whether or not it would be on the new HSPA network. There is now images of the Telus-branded Storm2 in the wild, proving that it will be on CDMA network (EVDO) and not HSPA and it is model 9550. The Storm2 is apparently launching to Telus on November 24th. Regardless of the release date speculation, there are Storm2 advertisements in Telus stores, which means a release is imminent.