Sunday Funday Give-a-way: Radio Saver

Starting today we will begin our new Sunday contest we will have every week. Each contest we will give away themes, apps, and other great prizes. Here is our first contest:

We're giving way 20 copies of Radio Saver!

"Greatly extend your battery life with Radio Saver! Do you live, work, or play in an area with bad service? Ever see how quickly having bad service can kill your battery? Let Radio Saver intelligently manage your radio for you saving battery in the process.

Unlike other similar products, Radio Saver is the only app to intelligently monitor your service and automatically handle turning your radio off and on for you--no need for preset timers which cause you to miss calls and emails even when you are in areas of full service!"
Give-a-way Guidelines:
  • Register on our forums and make 2 quality posts.
  • Once you've posted in the forums, please make a comment to this post, signaling that you've completed all-the-above.
  • Please include your e-mail address you'd like Radio Saver sent to in your comment
The first 20 to do just that gets a free copy of Radio Saver!

Blackberry Storm 2 Verizon Video

Here's a nice video, by Sal, showing the Blackberry Storm 2 from Verizon. The video goes over the improvements from the previous 8 Storm 2 devices Sal tested out. It seems Verizon is getting a great phone.

Blackberry 9700 Event Invites from T-Mobile

T-Mobile is sending out invites for the launch of the Blackberry Bold 9700. These invites are strictly for business-persons that can attend a party in New York City on November 5th, or in Los Angeles on November 3rd. T-mobile is acting as if it's still a big secret. We think the real secret is when the Blackberry Storm 2 will be launching. It makes sense to us that RIM would do a co-launch, or at least it's become evident that the Storm 2 could also launch in November. Guess we'll see, but we can't wait to get our hands on either phone!

Verizon Blog Gives More Storm 2 Info

As if you didn't already think Verizon and Vodafone were gearing up for the launch of the Blackberry Storm 2. Below is an image of the Storm 2 in a Verizon intranet blog (employees only). It details the launch to be October 21st and lists features we're now already aware of. This just proves even further that a 4th-quarter launch date is likely.

Source: Crackberry

MIQ First Impressions!

Our good friend Peter from had the opportunity to experience the upcoming M:IQ service from Best Buy. Here is, in verbatim (and english), his first impressions:

I must admit that I was quite skeptical of the emerging service M:IQ. Just the idea seemed to be too ... perfect, but it remains feasible. Today, quite recently, I managed to get an invitation to this program, and it was not written anywhere that I can not share experiences with anyone - just a few of them.

After installation, synchronization, and logging on was the first impression could be only one thing: WOW! All contacts synchronized with the ability to sort, ripped all the pictures and wallpaper and nicely presented in the form of a small slide show on the main page (as well as contacts - see below). The ability to change the status on Facebook and ... information, such as the level of the phone memory is full! This can be very useful, when we know that the pictures from the phone immediately goes to the site and we can have it discarded. Pictures can be shown to other users of social networking sites with one click, just like we can send it by mail!

As for calendar and contacts - we have virtually a full opportunity to change contact information (as well as adding new ones), as in the case of the calendar. The only calendar application, the only drawback is the inability to choose e-mail address to which the event is to be assigned (for people using more than one calendar) - the event goes straight to the primary calendar.
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Synchronization occurs in real time, provided of course run background applications on the BlackBerry.

Apparently it is also possible to manage and send SMS from this site, unfortunately in my case it failed to import any messages.
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I must admit that the site developers are on track to create a universal (not just BB), a wireless backup space, sharing photos, videos and other files. Nor can we ignore the possibility of creating calendar entries, and editing contacts, together with their immediate sync!
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The authors promise to premiere on the 12th of October, however, you can sign up in advance and hope they select group of testers. I assure all - it is worth it! Especially because it is (up to) 1GB for free!

White Bold 9000 Hits Stores October 18th

RIM seems to really be digging the white, with two devices sporting the pearly-white shells. The Blackberry Bold 9000 will release in white on AT&T on October 18th. It is the same price as the current Bold, with a 2-yr contract for $199.99 only in select stores. We're hearing too that they might only offer it online, rather than in retail stores.

Blackberry Tour 9630 Coming to US Cellular

All of you US Cellular users out there are getting a new Blackberry...the Tour 9630. We don't have an arrival date or price-tag, but we'll keep you updated. Here's some additional info: click

Blackberry Bold 9700 to be Announced October 21st?

According to Engadget, the Blackberry Bold 9700 (Onyx) will be officially announced for AT&T and T-Mobile on October 21st. Currently, we can't place a price-tag or launch date on this bad boy. We're hoping Research In Motion will drop the ball with the official announcement and pre-order can begin!

Why the U2 App Sucked: RIM's Alan Brenner Speaks

For those of us that are big U2 fans, we were slightly disappointed with the U2 mobile album app. Yea, it's free, but it wasn't close to what everyone was expecting. Those looking for it to have been a full album came up empty handed. RIM's senior vice president of blackberry devices, Alan Brenner, believes the U2 app was a success with its intended purpose, at the Billboard Mobile Entertainment Live event he says:

"The most salient feature of that app is that it's based on creating real relationships between the users and the band," "It wasn't just the music, or the access to the photos and lyrics; the app actually connected U2 fans to each other. And I think that's the trend we're going to continue to see with music apps—a push toward using them to connect people in real-time to their friends, not just the content."
This is one reason why RIM recently launched the new SDK developers kit. RIM wants to allow developers to include HTML and CSS into their apps, unlike previous apps that were solely java-based. RIM is hoping that developers can make more music apps (like the U2 mobile album) so users can share playlists and interact, similar to a social networking site.

While we aren't opposed to more and better interactions within the Blackberry apps, we dislike the "cheapened" use of a musical artists fame to push, what we believe, was a beta test for the new SDK dev kit. Nevertheless, U2 fans were mildly sad and RIM was happy. Hopefully, now that developers got their hands on the new SDK dev kit, we'll get more of what users want and future music albums won't suck.

Blackberry at CTIA 2009

Blackberry did not make any hints for big announcements this year a the CTIA Wireless I.T. and Entertainment 2009 expo. However, Kevin from Crackberry got a chance to check out what devices Blackberry was showcasing. It seems Blackberry is starting to go for the 'white' look, with 2 confirmed white-colored models (8520 & 9700).

Check out the rest of the photos here.

Blackberry Storm 2 Corporate Business Ad

We've seen images and video of the Blackberry Storm 2 emulator. This signifies that a launch for this phone couldn't be any sooner. What could you ask for, but more proof? Well here is a PDF showcasing an 'advertisement' to businesses for the Storm 2, which happens to be on the website!

Check out the PDF here.

Blackberry Messenger 5.0 Tutorial

Blackberry Messenger is a signature feature on Blackberry devices. A chat client just for those that are "in" to use to converse. The new BBM 5.0, or just 'Blackberry Messenger' as it is called in App World, surpasses v4.7 with leaps and bounds. Here we outline the greatness and usefulness of BBM 5.0!

Many users that downloaded the leaked OS were worried that the new BBM 5.0 would not work. We heard rumors that in order for it to work on a leaked OS 5.0 device it would have to be BBM Good thing the official version released is! We can confirm that BBM 5.0 does work on OS, but as for other OS 5.0 leaks, we aren't sure. The official BBM 5.0 also sports slightly different aesthetics then the leaked version, as shown below:

Read More of the review >>>

Storm 2 Verizon Training Video

BerryScoop got a nice video showing the recent Storm 2 emulator we heard about. The video is a little blurry, but you get the idea. Here are some more details on the Storm 2:
  • Launch with OS 5.0
  • 16gb microSD card included
  • 2gb on board memory
  • Bing Search App
  • City ID App

BBM 5.0 Officially Released!

Yay! Yay! Yay! We can't tell you how happy we are that Blackberry Messenger 5.0 has been officially released. It was rumored to be releasing today and with the long wait it's arrived in Blackberry App World.

There was some concern that BBM 5.0 would not work on devices running a leaked OS 5.0 version. We can confirm that BBM 5.0 works beautifully on OS for a Blackberry Storm. We've also noticed a few cosmetic changes to the new BBM 5.0 in comparison to the leaked version. Here's a minor example:

Blackberry Storm 2 Promo Ad

A new image of a Vodafone Blackberry Storm 2 promotional ad has surfaced. This can only confirm that a launch is very close. As of now there are three solid possible dates for a launch: October 15th (our Verizon guy bets on it), October 25th (according to the leaked Best Buy inventory list), and sometime in November (before Black Friday so says Gizmodo). Nevertheless, we'll all have our Storm 2's in-hand very soon!

Bolt Browser 1.5 Released and Reviewed

Bolt browser has come out of beta stage 3 and is now an official release with version 1.5. The new browser is said to be 15% faster than the last beta. They're not lying, as we speed tested the Bolt browser against Opera Mini 5, and we were pretty impressed how much quicker Bolt was. Other new features include:
  • the ability to stream videos of any length 
  • dedicated search bar
  • download manager that downloads files directly from BOLT
  • improved navigation and text rendering
  • caching feature that enables browsing back to a previously visited page without waiting to reload.

Granted, the ability to stream video and download items online is awesome. We give kudos to Bolt for making these features available. The only downside we noticed was the lack for support on touchscreen devices. On the Blackberry Storm we tested with, it was a pain to manually pull the keyboard each time you wanted to enter in text. It wouldn't be too bad on a Blackberry with a standard qwerty-keyboard.

The Bolt browsers aesthetics are mediocre in comparison to the recently released Opera Mini 5. The primary way of navigating (constantly having to use the BB options button) through the Bolt Browser just seemed a little archaic to most mobile browsers.

In the end, the Bolt browser isn't a terrible browser. It is the fastest browser we've seen so far. It's a great browser to stream videos and download images from. It may just require a bit of patience for the extra steps it requires to go anywhere. We suggest the use of Bolt to watch videos and Opera Mini 5 to surf the web will be a great combo on your Blackberry.

To get the Bolt browser, from your mobile click here.

Our Rating: 3.5 / 5

Curve 2 and Storm 2 Coming to Verizon Before Black Friday?

Gizmodo was sent a list outlining Verizon's holiday phone line up. In the list it reveals that the Blackberry Curve 2 and Blackberry Storm 2 will be arriving at least before Black Friday. This could mean that the two main speculated dates (Oct. 15th or Oct. 25th) could be wrong and we won't see these two devices until November. We really hope this isn't true...we're sick of waiting.

>> Discuss the dates in the forums

Blackberry Device Simulator 5.0 Released

App developers can finally test their apps for OS 5.0 with the newly released Blackberry Storm 9500 device simulator. This should allow developers to make their apps run efficiently, while allowing push services and icon updates work. Such apps as 'Weather Bug' would not update the homescreen icon to show the current weather. Now apps like this will be fully compatible and ready for the new OS 5.0 devices that are about to launch.

The new simulator also allows developers to rotate the phone using their mouse; to simulate the use of the accelerometer. It was also upgraded with a graphics acceleration mode.

We are very eager to have all of our apps running properly on our leaked OS This just pushes our claims that OS 5.0 devices are about to launch. We're still going with the October 15th launch date for the Blackberry Storm 2 9550 for Verizon, so we'll see :)

Rogers Blackberry Curve 8520 Arriving October 9th

The Blackberry 'Gemini' Curve 8520 from Rogers will become available through Best Buy October 9th. To get one without a contract it will be a steep price of $449.99, and without a 3-yr contract, a still fairly high-price of $99.99. check it here (no contract) and here (with contract).

7digital Music App Released

The 7digital music app has officially released for a Blackberry Tour, Curve, and Bold near you. The app is free-to-download, but each track has an average price of $0.77 and albums starting at $7.77.

Browse the latest charts, preview the latest tracks and discover, purchase & download high quality, DRM-free MP3 music directly to your BlackBerry smartphone.

You'll also get an integrated advanced media player that imports your existing playlists and MP3 music so that you can carry your music collection wherever you go.
  • High quality, DRM-free MP3 music store
  • Latest charts, new music and weekly features
  • Flexible downloads via wireless carrier or WiFi with auto-replace
  • Integrated advanced media player
  • Headset, speaker and Bluetooth audio streaming support
Please note that a Micro SD Card is required to use this application.

Blackberry Widget SDK 1.0 Released

Research In Motion has at last made it possible for developers to make Blackberry widgets.
"BlackBerry® Widget SDK 1.0 Beta 1 consists of the BlackBerry Widget Packager 1.0 Beta 1, a BlackBerry Device Simulator, documentation and code samples. The BlackBerry Widget Packager 1.0 Beta 1 is a new tool that allows web developers to package up their web assets into BlackBerry Widgets (small, discrete, standalone web applications that use HTML, CSS and JavaScript). A BlackBerry Widget looks, behaves and has the same security mechanisms as a native BlackBerry application. BlackBerry Widgets can be installed on a BlackBerry smartphone like any native application and can be extended to use device-specific information and data using the BlackBerry Widget APIs."
It will be interesting to see what type of widgets will come to our Blackberry devices. There are already a few sample widgets to explore. For more info check it out here.

BBM 5.0 Official Release October 7th?

In only 48hrs Blackberry users running OS 5.0 will finally get to use BBM 5! There is an e-mail circulating around stating that the official release for Blackberry Messenger 5.0 is October 7th. This signals one of the finals steps prior to the official release of OS 5.0 devices.

The e-mail that says it all:

BlackBerry® Messenger 5.0
Launch Date: Global - October 7, 2009
BlackBerry® Messenger is an instant messaging application that allows BlackBerry Smartphone users to send and receive instant messages with other BlackBerry Smartphone users.
BlackBerry Messenger 5.0 is the latest release.
  • Enhanced SMS -Allows for a conversational chat-like user experience with a single contact list for the most personal mobile-to-mobile communications

    • Note: BlackBerry® Device Software 5.0 and later is required for the SMS functionality.

  • Avatars - Users can choose a picture from the BlackBerry Smartphone gallery and save it as their personal avatar, which will be seen by their contacts. They can also view other avatars in the contact list and zoom in on the avatars of contacts participating in a conversation by selecting "View participants."
  • Large Media File Transfer - Users can send/receive large file transfers up to 6 megabytes for pictures, files and audio.

    • Note: BlackBerry Device Software 5.0 is required to receive large media files.

  • Enhanced Group Functionality - Allows for the ability to update, share & communicate with a subset community.
  • Bar-code Identity - A user can add a contact to the BlackBerry Messenger contact list by displaying a 2-dimensional bar code that invitees can capture with their device cameras.
  • Reliable Contact Backup and Restore - Contacts are backed-up on a server and do not require the need for BlackBerry® Desktop Manager.

Blackberry OS Alert App Coming Soon

Sick of always having to search around your favorite Blackberry websites to see if the latest OS has leaked? Can't always tell when the next official OS released? You're in luck, with the new app bbOSalert that is in Beta! bbOSalert is a new application for BlackBerry devices that alerts you when a new OS has been posted on the internet. Once installed onto your device you can select which devices you wish to be alerted about and choose between leaked OS, official OS or both.

How does it work? Once an OS is posted on a site for download an alert will be sent out to whom ever has subscribed to that device. Along with the alert you will be notified of the version and where OS was posted (site wise) for you to download.

Not sure about you, but we love updating our berries with the latest OS, and are eager to give this app a try.

Check it out here

Adobe and RIM Team Up for Flash Support

At last you will be able to view flash objects, videos, etc. on your Blackberry! It is as official as can be with the announcement of Adobe working alongside Research In Motion to bring Flash support to the Blackberry browser. The 'Open Screen Project' also includes other top smartphone manufacturers to bring Flash fully to the mobile market. RIM will embed the Flash Player 10.1 into their handsets by the end of this year or in early 2010.

Read the official announcement here

Vonage Mobile Released for Blackberry

Vonage has released its free-to-download mobile app for the Blackberry. You get a $1 credit just for downloading. Vonage Mobile allows you to dial directly or through your address book. The app knows you're making an international call and automatically routes it through our low-cost international network. You pay only our low international rates† and use your local cellphone minutes.

Features Include:
  • Make low-cost international calls
    Call any landline or mobile phone worldwide at incredibly low rates. International calling is inexpensive with Vonage Mobile for the BlackBerry®.
  • Works on cellular
    No matter where you are in the U.S., if you have cellular service, you can use Vonage Mobile for low-cost international calling. (Carrier roaming charges may apply when outside your calling area)
  • Easy to install
    Click on “Free Download” on this page and enter your phone number when prompted. We’ll send you an SMS (text message) with a link to download Vonage Mobile. Just follow the simple steps on your device to install. We’ll even give you a credit to make your first international call. (Standard text messaging rates may apply)
  • Simple calling process
    Making Vonage Mobile calls on a BlackBerry® is easy. When you dial an international number from the U.S., we’ll simply place the call with Vonage Mobile. And you’ll only use local minutes. (Carrier roaming charges may apply when outside your calling area)
  • Pay as you go
    With Vonage Mobile you only pay for the calls you make†. Simply set up your refill amount and credit/debit card information and we’ll automatically refill your account when you’re running low. No worries.

Storm 2 and Bold 9700 for Sale and Pre-order

Negri Electronics has started taking pre-orders for the Blackberry Bold 9700 'Onyx' for $745.50. The Blackberry Storm 2 9520 Odin has also been listed for sale (shipping immediately, it's not on pre-order) for $755.50. If only they could supply some more specs and additional information that would be great. Nevertheless, you can expect to see these two devices very soon at carrier retail stores!

Blackberry Bold 9700 Onyx Preview

The Vietnamese website Tinhte put together a very detailed preview for the Blackberry Bold 9700 'Onyx'. In the video they show an introduction to the OS and compare the Onyx to other models like the 8900 and 9000.

Blackberry Bold Onyx 9700 Photos

You would think that the Blackberry Bold 'Onyx' 9700 was the most popular pre-release Blackberry with the immense amount of leaked images and video. Here are a few good-quality photos of the Onyx. This black beauty keep looking better and better each time.

See more photos here

Blackberry Essex Photos

Here are a few leaked images of the Blackberry Essex. The device is still in its wrapper, which explains why the Trackpad looks odd. The upcoming Essex will have:
  • CDMA Replacement for the Tour (aka Tour 2)
  • Better Camera
  • Trackpad (like the Tour)
  • Wi-Fi

Blackberry Dakota Gets Liquid Lens Tech?

The Blackberry Dakota is an upcoming touchscreen GSM device. It was just recently announced by the Blackberry ninja, Sal, that the Blackberry Dakota will have liquid lens technology. How does it work? It has a new fluid lens camera technology that has no moving parts. The new lens mimics how the human eye works to focus and see. This will be an amazing feature on a Blackberry device, and unlike any other smartphone. In a test conducted by Philips Research it was found that, "the focal range provided by the demonstrator extends from 5 cm to infinity and it is extremely fast: switching over the full focal range is obtained in less than 10 ms." We look forward to the day when we can take amazing photos, unlike the current Blackberrys.

Read more about liquid lens tech: here

Blackberry Storm 2 9550 Wi-Fi Video

Here is a nice video of the Blackberry Storm 2 9550 browsing the web using Wi-Fi. The only thing bad about the video is it doesn't show the Storm 2 trying to load a full webpage, it only shows mobile versions. Naturally, a mobile site is quick to pull up, so I'd like to see how quickly a full page loads.

Blackberry Storm 2 9550 Emulator in Verizon System

If you thought the Storm 2 wasn't ever going to get here anytime soon, well you're in luck. The Blackberry Storm 2 9550 emulator has arrived for Verizon employee training and customer service. It really would suggest that the release is likely for October 25th! We can't wait, but why hasn't it been advertised?