Live Image of BlackBerry Pearl 9100 Stratus Running on TELUS

Remember the rumor we heard about the carrier TELUS testing the BlackBerry Pearl 9100 on their network? Well, it just so happens it's not a rumor, as you can see from the screenshot of the test unit running on the TELUS network.

Verizon BlackBerry Tour 9630 To Be Discontinued

The guys over at BerryScoop had been tipped with the above screenshot, showing that Verizon will make the BlackBerry Tour 9630 EOL in June. This should be in time for the Bold 9650 to release. A similar action like this was seen with the Storm1 once the Storm2 hit store shelves. The Tour 9630 was definitely short-lived and not too surprising why. Nevertheless, hopefully all 9630 users are due for an upgrade by June so you can get the Bold 9650.

First Live Image of Pearl 9105 With T9 Keyboard Leaked Online

Our friends over at BerryReview got their hands on the first pic of a BlackBerry Pearl 9105 sporting a T9 keyboard. We were the first to tell you about this phone back in December of 2009. We then stumbled upon even more evidence of this device being in the works with revealing patents.

It is now safe to say, courtesy of BerryReview, they have proved our source was correct and we should see a  new low-grade pearl (9105?) sometime this year. What do you think of it?

RIM Secretly Working on a Blackberry Tablet?

Our good friends @crackberry have been able to come up with some interesting information regarding a potential Blackberry Tablet.  Their sources say that RIM has been ordering 8.9" screens from Asian suppliers for a wireless tablet that would sync with a Blackberry.  I for one am not excited about the prospect of this.  RIM needs to focus on Webkit, OS 6.0, and releasing OS 5.0 (officially) for all supported devices.  What are your thoughts on this?

Twitter For BlackBerry (Beta) Goes Public Tonight At 9pm EST

Since February, Twitter for BlackBerry (Beta) has been available only by requesting an invite or by downloading a leaked version of it.  CrackBerry reports that this will all change tonight at 9pm EST because Twitter for BlackBerry (Beta) is going public!

The change log that accompanies the news of this release shows that Twitter for BlackBerry is really developing into quite the impressive mobile Twitter client.  See what's changed and download information after the jump...

Broadcast Message "From RIM" Is Fake. Do Not Forward.

It seems that someone decided to type up a fake message from "RIM" and broadcast it out to their BBM contacts.  Well, the message has spread like wildfire because people are believing the message is true since it claims to come from Research In Motion.  It reads as follows:

'Hello, greetings from RIM (Research In Motion) proprietors of BlackBerry. This message is to inform all of our users, that our servers have recently been really full, so we are asking for your help to fix this problem. We need our active users to re-send this message to everyone on your contact list inorder to confirm our active users that use BlackBerry Messenger, if you do not send this message to all your BlackBerry Messenger contacts then your account will remain inactive with the consequence of losing all your contacts.
We apologize for the inconvenience but this is the only way possible to resolve this problem. Sincerely Research in Motion. For more information visit'
Some people were able to tell that this message was a fake at first sight, while others got worried and mindlessly continued the forward.  Rest assured, RIM gave CrackBerry confirmation that the message is indeed a stop broadcasting it.

Statement Released By Skyfire About Their BlackBerry Development

A while back, Skyfire generated a considerable amount of interest when they announced that they were working on making their web browser available for BlackBerry. Their web browser ranks among the fastest and most reliable on other devices so this was great news to the BlackBerry community.  We even remained hopeful after some of their beta releases failed to live up to the hype.  After what seems like forever, they have spoken out about what seems to be the hold up in their development for BlackBerry...

White BlackBerry Bold 9700 On Its Way To The U.S.?

We caught the first glimpse of the white Bold 9700 when it first appeared in Thailand a little earlier this month.  Now, T-Mobile Netherlands have it displayed on their website, which means this device just got a little closer to home.  Wishful thinking would lead us to assume that it will hit the U.S. sometime in the near future since we already have the white Bold 9000.  How many of you would like to get your hands on a white Bold 9700?  Let us know.

Blackberry 9650 Housing Shows Up on Supplier Website

@salomondrin posted that TrueSupplier is now carrying the Blackberry 9650 housing.  The big news is that, this pretty much confirmed that the Essex (Tour 2) will be a Verizon Bold.  The back of the housing shows "Bold" on it much like the previous Bold models.  The device should be released sometime in the next couple months and feature a trackpad, Wi-Fi, and upgraded processor all packed into the Tour housing.  This is big for Verizon customers wanting to get their hands on a Bold, soon they will have the chance.

BlackBerry Storm2 9520 OS Official from Vodafone Egypt

Thanks to Riv we now know that Vodafone Egypt has officially released OS for the BlackBerry Storm2 9520. We don't know much on the performance of the OS. However, we've learned that this is a DRM version! So if you've got the time you might want to check this out and let us know how it is!

RIM Releases Enhanced Java and Web Development Tools

An interesting press release was sent out by RIM earlier today that stated the fact that they have updated some of their Plug-ins and SDKs.  In layman's terms, they have made it much easier for developers to build BlackBerry apps.  Hopefully, this is being done in preparation for the release of the WebKit browser and OS 6.0 so that we can have a much wider selection of good BlackBerry applications.  Are we about to witness the moment where BlackBerry applications take their rightful place alongside those of the iPhone and Android series?  Share your thoughts...

Also, make sure you check out the Full Press Release after the jump.

InPulse SmartWatch Apparently Shipping Soon; Despite Its Delay

For those who pre-ordered the InPulse "SmartWatch" for $149, their expected release date in February never came. Allerta, the Canada-based InPulse maker, has assured everyone that the watch will release soon.

Survey Shows BlackBerry Users 40% Likely to Switch to iPhone

There is a survey, conducted by Crowd Science, which shows that BlackBerry users are 40% likely to switch to the Apple iPhone. However, some are calling out the methodology used in conducting the survey, claiming they should rule the findings irrelevant.

BlackBerry WES 2010 Mobile Guide Now Available for Download

RIM, with the help of Sweet Caesar inc., has released the official mobile guide for WES 2010. This guide will be great for those attending, and will keep those who aren't attending, partially up-to-date. Here's a list of the apps features:
  • View the full list of breakout sessions
  • Ability to look up specific details such as Speakers, Sessions and Sponsors.
  • Synchronize your scheduled sessions from your desktop and the application, as well as with your calendar. This is great, the ability to carry around your WES schedule so you make sure you don't miss a thing!
  • It allows the persons to fill out breakout session surveys, review conference maps, as well as keep up to day with the conference blogs all of which are built in.

BlackBerry Pearl 9100 TELUS Testing Screenshot Leaked

The guys at BBOS were able to get their hands on apparent screenshot of UAT testing doc for the BlackBerry Pearl 9100 Stratus from TELUS. They say, "Our source claims that when devices get to this level of testing within TELUS that the launch is typically 2-5 weeks away. That would mean that the device could launch this month. No word if they are testing the 9100 or the mysterious 9105. Perhaps it could be both versions."

While the only thing this screenshot can tell us is that the Pearl 9100 could possibly be around the corner, no one will know for certain until Research In Motion officially acknowledges it. There are rumors circulating the Pearl 9100 may release alongside the Bold 9650. When do you think these devices will release?