RIM Officially Responds to Apple's False BlackBerry Radio Antenna Claims

Yesterday, some of you may have watched or read about the Apple press conference. There, Apple discussed the issues the iPhone 4 has been experiencing with its new radio antenna design. Apple then decided to take a bite into their three leading competitors phones by attempting to show how they suffer the same problem.

OEM Parts for BlackBerry 9800 Slider Appear Online

The online OEM accessory store, TrueSupplier, has begun selling parts for the BlackBerry 9800 slider. We have become familiar with this company selling parts for unreleased BlackBerry devices in the past.

BlackBerry 9800 Slider Coming in the Color White?

It has become a steady trend for RIM to release different colored BlackBerry devices. So far the mainstream colors are the classic black as well as white. We've even seen a few interesting colors in the 8500 series (since these are entry level devices targeted at a younger consumer).

Qype for BlackBerry Updated to Version 2.0

Qype let us know that their Qype app, which is a location-based social networking tool, has been updated to version 2.0! Qype connects users to share their reviews on businesses and other places around them.

Leaked: BlackBerry Curve 9300 OS

The BlackBerry Curve 9300 is right around the corner. As usual for a soon-to-release device we see a consistent leak of OS'. The last version was .758 and now we have .794 for anyone has a Kepler and hybrid builders.

Rogers Getting the BlackBerry 9800 Slider Exclusively in Canada?

According to a new rumor, Rogers Wireless in Canada is said to be getting the BlackBerry Bold/Torch 9800 Slider exclusively. This could be a huge blow to Telus and Bell.

New BlackBerry Tablet Specs: 1GHz, Flash 10.1, with Back & Front Facing Cameras?

More information has emerged on the upcoming BlackBerry tablet aka "BlackPad". Rodman & Renshaw analyst, Ashok Kumar, gave a new report on Friday revealing new specs for the tablet.