Full Specs on the BlackBerry Apollo, Atlas, and Stratus!

One of our sources has given to us a full spec sheet for the upcoming BlackBerry Stratus (Pearl 9100), Atlas (Curve 8910), and Apollo (a new Curve model). We had only briefly spoke about these devices before when we told of RIMs plans for 2010. These phones really seem to be quite impressive and we will say that we have all but confirmed Evolved EDGE is coming to Europe.

FourSquare Beta 1.0.0 BlackBerry App Leaked Online!

Heard a few people tweeting about or from FourSquare, but had no idea what it was? We just got tipped with the newly released 1.0.0 version of the FourSquare app for BlackBerrys. FourSquare is from the creators of DodgeBall, which was recently shutdown by Google. With FourSquare you can post shout outs and let your "friends" know your whereabouts by checking in at any location.

New Version of Google Mobile App to Search your BlackBerry E-mail and Contacts

Google has rolled out a new version of its mobile app to allow you to search through e-mails and contacts.  Simply type or speak the name of the sender or a part of the e-mail. The mobile app will quickly pull up results from e-mails or contacts and allow you to reply and forward.

Google Nexus Two: A Threat to BlackBerry?

With the recent release of the Google Nexus One mobile phone there are already reports of its successor, the Nexus Two. The Nexus One has been labeled as the truest of all "iPhone killers" currently available to the public. Although the iPhone may have its popularity, many business users have found that it is not the greatest enterprise device. Therefore, attesting to Research In Motion's enterprise market stronghold with its BlackBerry devices. However, Google seems to be planning a blitzkrieg to become an enterprise device contender.

Review: Google Nexus One 'BeNexus' Theme For BlackBerrys

You may have seen the newly released Google Nexus One phone and may have thought it looked cool. Good thing you don't have to leave your BlackBerry to get a similar feel. The guys at JMal and AHaz Designs were hard at work to build a nifty theme called BeNexus.

SKU for Sprint BlackBerry Tour2 9650 Dummy Units Now Appearing in Sprint's Inventory

It was just the other day that we saw the Verizon SKU pop-up for the Tour2 9650 from the guys at CrackBerry. Now it would seem that a Sprint employee would like for everyone to know that Verizon won't be the only US carrier getting the Tour2 (Essex) soon. Our friend Mookie got a hold of this screen cap, which should make all you Sprint users, who are eligible for an upgrade, very happy.

Sprint users, will you be upgrading to the Essex? If only SKU spreadsheets showed the device's release date! When do you think it will release?