BlackBerry Slider Gets Photographed from More POVs

When the first BlackBerry Slider images were leaked it was a face only photograph, that was extremely blurry. Then a few more, much clearer, images were unveiled, but still showing just the face of the Slider. There was much speculation over what the rest of device could look like. The wait is no more.

BlackBerry 9650 User Guide Confirms it's a Bold; May Release?

Earlier today we saw a nice OS leak for the 9650. What many did not realize was it had a hidden surprise. One of the readers on CrackBerry spotted a user guide within the OS. To our surprise the user guide now confirms that it will no longer be the Tour2, but in fact the Bold 9650!

Something else interesting to note is that Boy Genius Report has heard that the Bold 9650 could be releasing this coming in May 2010!

BlackBerry Tour2 9650 OS Found Online

This makes for an interesting day. First the Tour 9630 gets a leak and now its potential successor also gets a leaked before it is released courtesy of BerryReview. It will be interesting to see what kind of hybrid OS' may be made of this.

*DISCLAIMER* - This is an unofficial RIM software release. If you choose to install, do so at your own risk! BB Leaks is not responsible for any malfunctions or abnormalities that may occur. 

BlackBerry Tour 9630 OS Leaked Online

It hasn't been long since we saw a leaked OS for the Tour 9630. Usually, the 9630 users are left in the dust from the other devices flying by and getting the latest OS 5 software. Now, the Tour 9630 is fast a head in the race with the highest leaked build so far. We aren't too sure what's changed with this build, but it should hopefully be better than the last .530!

*DISCLAIMER* - This is an unofficial RIM software release. If you choose to install, do so at your own risk! BB Leaks is not responsible for any malfunctions or abnormalities that may occur. 

Verizon Forcing Data Plan Upgrade on BlackBerry Customers for BESX

Are you one of the many BlackBerry users that has the $29.99 per month data plan? We were recently tipped by our VZW connect that Verizon Wireless is requiring all users, who want to utilize the new BESX feature, to upgrade their data plan to the top tier.

Who's The Boss? Blackberry.

Washington Business Journal has released an article showing the findings of a recent Reston based comScore smartphone marketshare evaluation.  And guess who is still top dog?  Yep it's Blackberry.  Research in Motion's Blackberry smartphones dominate 43% of the smartphone market, up from 41.3% last October.  iPhone comes in second with 25.1% marketshare (up from 24.8% 3 months ago).  While Microsoft and Palm have to sit back and watch their market share slowly decrease, Google's Android platform gained 7.1% marketshare in 3 months.  I'm glad to see Blackberry still on top, but I think Android might pose more of a threat to RIM's marketshare than iPhone. Thoughts?

Stitcher Radio Now Available for the Blackberry Storm 2

Stitcher let us know that their popular radio application has been updated and now supports the Blackberry Storm 2 (9550) and OS 5.0.  The app is available for the Blackberry Storm (1 & 2), the Blackberry Curve (8300, 8900), and the Blackberry Bold.  Stitcher plans an update sometime this summer to support more devices and add bluetooth streaming.  Hit the jump for more info about the Stitcher Radio app.

RIM to Manufacture Blackberry's in Brazil

According to an article on Money Control, Blackberry smartphone producer Research In Motion plans to start manufacturing Blackberry's in Brazil.  RIM's plan is to try to tap into the Latin American market by producing, and selling Blackberry smartphones in Brazil, the richest country in Latin America.  This comes from an ongoing effort by Research in Motion to tap into consumer cell phone markets.  They plan on producing the Blackberry 8520 in Brazil, and probably other phones in the future.

Nimbuzz Gets Updated To 1.1.1

The very popular Nimbuzz! Messenger for Blackberry devices has now issued an update that will surely please all. This version of Nimbuzz! now works with .4XX+ OSs and even my .509 Curve 8330 Hybrid from Nathanix. The company obviously listened to their users and issued this.

I personally like Nimbuzz! because I can keep in touch with Gtalk and Facebook chats on the go. Had to leave it cause it did not work with my OS but now it does.

Download via Blackberry Browser

Blackberry App World Updated To

It has been forever since Blackberry App World has been updated, but it finally did. No change-log available yet but there are sure to be some new features.

If you find any changes, comment on the blog and we'll add it.

Download Here

Hilton Garden Inn Offering Free Wireless Print Services for Blackberry

USA Today's Hotel Check-In blog is reporting that Hilton Garden Inn Hotels are now offering free wireless print services for Blackberry and iPhone using guests.  Smartphone users are now able to print from anywhere in the world directly to printers located inside the hotel business centers.  Dubbed "The PrintSpot" this service is free to hotel guests and works with all smartphones.  This would help frequent travelers be more productive and give them a place to print documents.  Sounds like a pretty good idea to me, your thoughts?

Time Warner to Relieve Verizon & AT&T's Data Congestion? Could It Speed Up Your BlackBerry?

Bloomberg's Business Week is reporting that Time Warner Cable is pitching an idea to the large cellular companies (AT&T/Verizon) to help ease the congestion that Blackberry's and iPhone's create.  As most of us are aware, AT&T's network is under a lot of strain due to the massive number of 3G iPhone users, and Blackberry users do contribute also.  What Time Warner is pitching to these companies is to route some of the wireless data through their pre-existing underground cables which would help to decongest AT&T and Verizon's existing strained networks.  Personally I don't think it's a bad idea, if these wireless companies aren't willing to spend the money and upgrade their networks to where they need to be, then I'm all for Time Warner trying to get their piece of the pie.  What do you think?

Giveaway: 10 BlackBerry Hyberpads!

Congrats to the winners:
alick lee

Winners, please check your e-mail for further instructions!

We have 10 Hyberpads for your BlackBerry to give away! This giveaway is open to both our US and International readers. What is a Hyberpad? There are Three magnets present in each hyberpad to mate with the Hall effect sensor in the BlackBerry. There is no top, bottom or side to the hyberpad. As long as the phone is lined up to the pad the BlackBerry will go into "hyber"nation mode.