BlackBerry Bold 9700 OS Leaked!

As if it wasn't obvious, the Bold 9700 keeps getting most of the OS leakin' love! Today we bring you OS for the BlackBerry Bold 9700! So far we hear it's running flawlessly. If any of you 9700 users out there haven't already gotten the leaked version of BBM from the awesome guys at BBHybrids, well this OS comes bundled with it! Hope you enjoy!

*DISCLAIMER* - This is an unofficial RIM software release. If you choose to install, do so at your own risk! BB Leaks is not responsible for any malfunctions or abnormalities that may occur.

BlackBerry Cube: Dual Screen and Full QWERTY Keyboard Slider

You may have seen the patent images of what is said to be Research In Motion's forthcoming 'slider'. We've discovered that RIM is working on another full QWERTY keyboard slider, which we're dubbing the 'BlackBerry Cube'. The reason we're calling it the 'Cube' is (as you'll see in the following images) this device folds into itself.

There aren't any specs on this device, just the ornamental design. From what you can see, it appears to be dual-display. However, it could be similar to the Nintendo DS, where the bottom part is a touchpad. Either way we're not sure if any of what appear to be screens are touchscreens. It shows a sliding full QWERTY keyboard and trackball. Also, a smaller screen appears on the backside (top of device when in its 'cube' shape) that we believe is for caller id, e-mails, texts, etc.

We know RIM has been working on this design since late 2008. Could this be another potential BlackBerry slider? This possible BlackBerry device has been compared to the Samsung Serene and the NEC 910. What do you think of it?

Vlingo Plus 4.0 is Now Available

With Vlingo Plus 4.0 you'll be able to use your voice with virtually every app on your phone (and you will continue to have SMS and email capabilities as before). For those who pre-ordered, you'll enjoy 50% off, which brings this awesome app to $9.99!

Step 1: Download and install Vlingo 4.0 by clicking here (from your device)

Step 2: Open the Vlingo app in your phone, and click on the top banner saying 'Get Vlingo Everywhere'.

UberTwitter v0.935 Leaked Online!

We just got an anonymous tip with UberTwitter v0.935 included! This version seems to be running fast and smooth! We hear if an 'Unauthorized' window pops-up to hit the back button to continue.

*DISCLAIMER* - This is an unofficial release of an application. If you choose to install, do so at your own risk! BB Leaks is not responsible for any malfunctions or abnormalities that may occur.

BlackBerry Curve 8520 OS Leaked!

Whoa, didn't see this one coming did ya? lol Here ya go folks...some more 'Curvatious' love! BlackBerry Curve 8520 OS is LEAKED! Santa thinks you have all been good little boys and girls! ;)

Download BlackBerry Curve 8520 OS >>

*DISCLAIMER* - This is an unofficial RIM software release. If you choose to install, do so at your own risk! BB Leaks is not responsible for any malfunctions or abnormalities that may occur.

BlackBerry Curve 8900 OS Leaked!

You heard the 'rumors' of a leak hitting the streets this week right? You didn't think it was going to happen, huh? Well, here is OS for the BlackBerry Curve 8900!

*DISCLAIMER* - This is an unofficial RIM software release. If you choose to install, do so at your own risk! BB Leaks is not responsible for any malfunctions or abnormalities that may occur.

BlackBerry Bold 9000 OS Leaked!

*UPDATE* MegaUpload is taking its time to process the file. Keep refreshing, as it will load eventually. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Looks like I was right on the mark when I said there would be an OS leak this week for the BlackBerry Bold 9000! Officially unofficial is OS for the Bold 9000! Get it while it's hot!

*DISCLAIMER* - This is an unofficial RIM software release. If you choose to install, do so at your own risk! BB Leaks is not responsible for any malfunctions or abnormalities that may occur.

BlackBerry Bold 9700 OS Leaked!

We were the first to tell you about the next Bold 9700 OS and that it was bundled with a new BBM. However, RobinHood_BB from The BB Zone, beat us in leaking it and we give them kudos for that!

*DISCLAIMER* - This is an unofficial RIM software release. If you choose to install, do so at your own risk! BB Leaks is not responsible for any malfunctions or abnormalities that may occur.

BlackBerry Bold 9700 OS Spotted!

What you're looking at is a screen cap of a BlackBerry Bold 9700 running OS! We're estimating it will only be another 2 or 3 weeks before we'll get our hands on this bad boy. Thus far we've heard great things about it (much better than the recently leaked .405). We've also heard it is sporting BlackBerry Messenger v5.0.0.52! We're not solid on the details of the new BBM, but once we've secured if there have been any upgrades, we'll let you know!

BlackBerry Messenger Shut Down!

Any one still using the first leaked version of BBM 5? If so, you won't be able to use it for much longer. RIM is officially shutting down the 'beta' of BlackBerry Messenger on December 15th. RIM will be sending out PIN messages to any users still using that version notifying them to upgrade. Otherwise, those still running the 'rogue' version will experience problems sending and receiving messages as well as updates with their avatars. So if you haven't already upgraded (not sure why you wouldn't have already) head on over to