Verizon Storm2 Ad Campaign Coming Soon?

The guys over at BerryAddicted have apparently gotten some word from their Verizon ninja on a large upcoming ad campaign for the Blackberry Storm2 and other upcoming phones.
"Along with the Storm 2, the Moto Sholes, HTC Desire, and Curve 2 will be dropping...among others. This is very exciting, as these are four of the hottest and most anticipated devices to come out. Now the speculation has been when the Storm 2(and the others) will hit and why we have not seen any advertising etc. Well I was informed that television ads will start to run this coming Monday, which is October 19th for those that wanna write it down! The first commercial will air during the Yankees vs Angels tune in folks!"
Along with the claim of the ad campaign, they're still sticking with the November 7th launch date for the Blackberry Storm2. We aren't going to start on the 'date game', but we don't doubt a possible November release, as we reported on Gizmodo's finding and with what we reported on the Verizon device blogs Storm2 release date take-down. It will be interesting to see if Verizon truly does push the Storm2 or if it will remain a "silent release".


Facebook v1.7 Arrives

Facebook v1.7 has finally arrived and is available in Blackberry App World. This version is definitely a step up from its predecessor v1.6. However, we still cannot understand the lack of true support for Facebook. Unfortunately, RIM still has not developed a version that even comes close to the iPhones Facebook app. Hopefully, one day, RIM will design a Facebook app with the chat feature and automatic push updates (so you see the feed updates in real-time).

New features in version 1.7:
  • News Feed Support - make the new News Feed API your 'homepage'
  • News Feed Filters - Change between Status, Photos, Links, News Feed.
  • Caching Improvements - makes the app use memory properly
  • Feed Pre-fetching - do not have to wait while feeds load
  • View Profile Menu Option - makes it more easier to see your own profile
You can alternatively download it on 

How To: Get Symbols on BBM 5.0

So you see everyone else with the 'BB' logo that looks like this:  Well, not quite like that on your Blackberry. You want to be cool just like them, right? Now you can! Simply visit this page from your Blackberry device and you will be able to easily copy each symbol and add it to Blackberry Messenger 5.0:

 ☂ ☃ ☁ ♡ ☇ ⌣ © ® ¶ ¿ § ø œ Œ Þ ™ ♥ ♣ ♠ ♦ ☎ ♍ ♑ ♉ ♐ ♈ ♒ ♋ ♌ ♎ Σ Λ Γ ☑ ☀ Æ ⇆ ☎ ✆ ✉ ♊ ♏ ♓ ‪ Δ Ψ Φ Θ Ξ Ω ♢ ♤ ♧ ♡ Π​ Σ † τ λ ※ ▲ △ ▼ ▽ № • ◦

Here is an additional tutorial on how to save these symbols to the Blackberry Auto Text after the break...

Best Buy's M:IQ Gets Updated

If you have been accepted to download M:IQ from Best Buy, then this is news for you. There is a new version,, that is being pushed to your devices for you to upgrade to. Open up M:IQ and it will prompt you to update. We didn't notice a huge difference from the previous version, but we're sure whatever they updated will make this badass program run even better.

AT&T Releasing Cameraless Bold

Looks like AT&T wants to play a bit of catch up. As stated on their Twitter page, AT&T says they will be releasing a Blackberry Bold model without a camera for secure workplaces. Verizon and Sprint have already started offering camera-less Blackberry devices, so it seems AT&T wants to try to get a piece of the pie from government agencies, and other businesses.

Blackberry Tour 9630 OS Leaked

If you are a Tour 9630 owner who did not want to upgrade to OS then maybe you'll reconsider? OS has leaked! As always, we've virus checked the file and uploaded it onto our own dedicated servers.

- Blackberry Tour OS


Bold 9700 Shows up on Bell Launch List

We previously saw leaked images of the Blackberry Bold 9700 showing up in the Bell inventory list. Now we see a nice leaked image showing the Bold 9700 on Bell's HSPA launch list.
BlackBerry 9700: $399.95, $599.95, or most likely $249 after in store rebates
The Bold 900 also showed up with prices of: $399.95, $599.95, or most likely $149-$199 after in store rebates

Bold 9700 Listed on T-Mobile Germany

The upcoming Blackberry Bold 9700 Onyx has been listed on the T-Mobile Germany website. It only shows it as an upcoming phone (sorry no pre-orders yet, like the storm2), but it does shed some more light on a possible release time. According to the T-Mobile Germany website the Blackberry Bold 9700 will be launching sometime in November. 

Check out the T-Mobile site here.

Pre-Order Storm2 from Vodafone UK

 Looking to get your hands on the Storm2 9520? No problem if you live in the UK, pre-orders have officially started on the Vodafone website. While there isn't a price for the device without a contract, for £35 per month you'll get to own this black beauty. Once you've pre-ordered your expected delivery should be October 26 - into early november.

Pre-order the Storm2 9520 here.

BlackBerry Storm2 and F1 Racing Video

No way! They're using the Storm2 as a remote control? Wow, very cool.

For our mobile viewers, click here.

Official Storm2 Video

For our mobile viewers, click here.

Storm2 Listed on

The Blackberry Storm2 is finally official! now has all the details on this beautiful phone.

Check it out here.

Storm2 Official Specs Released

Check out the whole list here.

Blackberry Storm2 9550 Review, Specs, & Features

Crackberry posted the Blackberry Storm2 specs and an awesome review. It has been said that the storm2 has a proximity sensor, much like the iPhone's, so it will turn off the screen while on a call. Are you ready to browse on Wi-Fi? Get ready for multi-touch of the alt and shift keys!

Check out the review here.

MobiShark Give-a-way!

We're giving away 50 FREE copies of MobiShark modem to the first 50 people!
Brought to you by BBLeaks and The Dark BB

Why use MobiShark:
  1. It's Economical - You already pay a monthly charge for your Blackberry device service. Why not take advantage of the option of using your Blackberry as a modem? As long as you got your laptop and BlackBerry with you, you've got internet access no matter where you go.
  2. Ease of use - It's easy to setup and requires little or no computer experience. 
The advantages:
  1. NOT being stuck at the airport without an internet connection.
  2. NOT at a hotel paying outrageous internet usage fees.
  3. NOT paying monthly mobile carrier BlackBerry "tether modem" monthly subscriptions.
  4. NOT paying high monthly phone bills because you went over your limited data plan.
Give-a-way Guidelines:

  • Register on our forums and make 5 quality posts.
  • Once you've posted in the forums, please make a comment to this post, signaling that you've completed all-the-above.
  • Please include your e-mail address you'd like MobiShark sent to in your comment
The first 50 to do just that gets a free copy of MobiShark modem!
Please allow 7 business days to receive your copy of MobiShark. 

More Storm2 Release Info

Seems there is some additional info floating out there regarding the release of the Blackberry Storm2 9550 on Verizon. Apparently, Verizon has ordered 162,000 units from RIM for the west coast. So far there isn't any other additional info on item 'BB9550S2'.

New BLK Berry Song Storming Blackberry Phones Everywhere

If you haven't already heard the new "BLK Berry" song by Swindoe, you need to! This song is the perfect ringtone for those who are true berry addicts, just like Swindoe. He layed down the track to show and tell what his one and true love is, his BlackBerry Storm. In the song he freely gives out his PIN# 3079E65E.

Swindoe is currently an underground rapper with a lot of talent. He has some great marketing ideas and we look forward at seeing what else he can create. Swindoe is soon to go on tour so look out for him and chat it up with him on BlackBerry Messenger! Swindoe is also shooting a music video for the new track and he needs your help! Send in your videos of you singing or dancing to the "BLK Berry" song.

Checkout the video of the making of "BLK Berry" on YouTube

Download "BLK Berry" MP3

Download "BLK Berry" Ringtone

Check out his websites: & Swindoe Live

Bold 9700 User Manual Leaked

The user manual for the Blackberry Bold 9700 Onyx has been leaked. download the 1.8MB PDF file from our servers here.

Blackberry Storm2 Comparison Chart

Below is a capture of a competitive comparison chart for the Blackberry Storm2 from Verizon. Surprisingly, the Storm2 looks like it will come out on top against the iPhone, Palm Pre, and RIMs own Bold.

Everyone is ready for this thing to release. Launch it already RIM!

Storm2 and Bold 9700 OS Leaks!

That's right, OS for the Blackberry Storm2 9520 and OS have been leaked even before the phones have released. If you were lucky enough to get a pre-release of one of these devices you're in again in luck.

As always we've uploaded the OS' onto our servers. You can download them here:

- Blackberry Storm2 9520 OS

- Blackberry Bold 9700 OS


Verizon Takes Down Storm2 Date from Device Blog

Some of you may recall the image that was leaked of the Verizon device blog showing a launch date of October 21st. We've just been tipped by one of our Verizon ninjas that the date has been taken down from the device blog. Why now would Verizon decide to take the date off? It doesn't make sense when the original has already been leaked. Is there going to be a delayed launch, silent launch, or nothing at all?

Palm Pre Dies of Alcohol Poisoning

I'm hoping that everyone saw the awesome video of the 'waterproof' Blackberry. Well, now there is a new contender for the 'how long can my phone last while submerged in liquid' title. Here's a pretty funny video of the Palm Pre getting drowned in beer. I wonder how well a Blackberry would do..hmmm.

Verizon Confirms Storm2 - Well, Sort of

In a recent article published by the New York Times, they interview Lowell C. McAdam, the CEO of Verizon, on the next Blackberry Storm. McAdam had traveled to the Verizon store in NYC. He happened to be carrying around the Storm2 for a few weeks and brought it with him on the trip. While at the Verizon store he stopped a few college kids to show them the Storm2.

“I let them play with the second-generation Storm device,” he said. “They came back and said ‘Oh, my gosh.’ They were very excited. This is what they hoped the original Storm should be.”

Something else that is very interesting of the New York Times article is that in it they say, "This week, Verizon and R.I.M. are trying again with a Storm do-over, the Storm 2." Does the New York Times know something no one else does? They use the words 'this week', could this mean the Storm2 will be officially announced this week or released this week? Oh, the frustration of not knowing! We'll see soon enough. 

Get Your FREE T-Mobile Blackberry

Are you an applications developer? Good, you can get a free Blackberry from T-Mobile. Actually, you have a limit of 5 free Blackberrys. Wow, 5 Blackberrys for free? T-Mobile must be looking for so additional lines to add to their network to offer such an incredible promotion. Go ahead and call them at 1-866-464-8662 (select option 3) and mention promotional code 7490TMOFAV. Check out the T-Mobile page here.


Storm2 Launching October 21st?

An internal Verizon e-mail has been leaked showing a launch date for the Blackberry Storm2 to be October 21st. In the e-mail it also says that the 'What's New' video will arrive Oct. 12th and released on Oct, 13th. However, we've confirmed this video and additional training has already started. Could Verizon be pushing the date even earlier?

Blackberry Storm Clone Running Android

We've seen some Blackberry Storm clones that haven't been all too great. Could this one be a true mock of the original Blackberry Storm? Hardly. A Chinese company has made the 'Broncho A1' to imitate the Storm 1. They even gave it a circular trackpad! It's specs aren't all too special with the Broncho A1 sporting 600MHz CPU, 3.2-inch touchscreen (similar to HTC Hero), 3.2 megapixel camera, FM Radio, WiFi, and GPS. The only downer about the Broncho A1 is it's available RAM is only 128mb. Don't think you'll be using a lot of apps with this device.

Here we even see President Obama supporting the 'Blockberry Storm'

More images of the Broncho A1 after break...

AT&T White Bold Releasing October 18th

It is now confirmed that the white Blackberry Bold will be releasing October 18th on AT&T. Research In Motion pretty much unofficially announced it was coming by debuting it at this past CTIA. However, AT&T decided to announce it on, well, facebook? Strange, but, the white Bold will retail for $199.99 AFTER REBATE! A bit high for a Blackberry that's been out for over a year, especially with the coming arrival of the Blackberry Bold 9700 (Onyx).

Check out the Facebook page here.

Verizon Storm2 Dummy Phones and Accessories Arrive

The Blackberry Storm2 dummy phones and OEM accessories have started arriving at Verizon stores nationwide. When could the Storm2 be releasing? It's expected to be releasing on October 16th on Vodafone, and some Verizon reps have stated October 20th for Verizon. Nevertheless, having Verizon received the dummy phones is a shear sign that a release is imminent!


More Storm2 Verizon Flyers

We saw the 'Buy One Get One' flyer for the Blackberry Storm2 just yesterday, now here is some more. This flyer doesn't show much except for the Storm2 beside the Tour. There isn't any additional info except an interesting code at the bottom: BLKBN40X281009. Could this show the announcement date or release date of 10/28/2009? Or could it simply show the size of the flyer (40in.x28in.) with a 10/09 hanging date? Your guess is as good as ours. What do you think?


Storm2 Listed on Vodafone Germany Website

This image shows the Blackberry Storm2 on the Vodafone Germany website. No need to translate this, all it says are a few of the most commonly known features of the Storm 9520; Wi-Fi, 3.2 megapixel camera, etc. We're supposed to be expecting an official announcement on the Storm2 this coming week from RIM and Vodafone. We're eagerly waiting for this bad boy to release, are you?

See it for yourself here.

Storm 2 for £30 a month in UK

Get ready everyone in the UK, the Blackberry Storm 2 is approaching next week! Carphone Warehouse in Cornwall, UK put up another flyer. This time the flyers shows the Blackberry Storm 2 for only £30 ($47.40 USD) a month! We're not sure if this price will be for a 18 month or 24 month contract. This is still much lesser then expected and could be going hand-in-hand with Verizon's possible 'buy one get one' promotion for their Storm 2 release.

Storm 2 Verizon Training Begins Again

Not too long ago we saw an image, emulator, and video of the Blackberry Storm 2 training for Verizon customer service reps. We then heard all of the Storm2 info had been taken down because of an error with the Storm 2 emulator. Apparently, when transitioning into landscape view it rendered the emulator null. Now we're getting reports that the Storm 2 emulator isn't back just yet, but that Verizon is requiring all customer service reps to take a full training course. So if your Verizon rep tells you he/she doesn't know anything about the Storm can call BS on it!

Storm 2 Verizon Buy One Get One Flyer?

Some more tangible evidence that the Storm 2 will be arriving in Verizon stores at some point in the near future. This Buy One Get One ad features the new storm with what appears to be a new stock undersea background image. What other new and exciting features await!? Ringtones? Theme options? Oh the suspense!

Storm 2 Accessories Arrive at Best Buy

If you didn't already think the launch for the Storm 2 was close enough, now accessories have been arriving at Best Buy. The below shows that this particular accessory is a silicone gel cover. Sometimes Best Buy uses many codenames for upcoming Blackberrys, but as you can see they use all three 'names' for this device: Storm 2, Odin, and 9550.

Video Shows Blackberry Atlas Browser Speed

The Blackberry Atlas is an upcoming Blackberry, that the ninja Sal has been getting his hands on. He noticed that the browser seemed to pull up pages very quickly. Here's a video of the Blackberry Atlas against a Blackberry Bold.