BES 5.0 SP1 Coming in December?

*UPDATE* Just received word it is releasing November 30th!

The guys over at BerryReview had one of their ninjas dig up a nice PDF outlining the upcoming features of BES 5.0 SP1. They don't have a confirmed release date, but it should be sometime next month. Here is what's expected in service pack 1:

  • Open Document Format (ODF) Support – Support for .odp files and .ods files on BlackBerry devices. These are OpenOffice format files for wordprocessing, spreadsheets, and presentations.
  • VMware Certification
  • BlackBerry Browser device dashboard – Mobile friendly
  • Support for Microsoft® SQL Server® 2008
  • Support for Windows® Internet Explorer® version 8
  • Support for importing Wi-Fi® profiles and VPN profiles from a .csv file
Check out the PDF, download here.


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