Motorola Droid Ordering Error on Verizon Website?

This is related to one of BlackBerry's newest and biggest competitor, the Motorola Droid. One of our Verizon Wireless ninjas (who also happened to order the Moto Droid) tipped us on an ordering issue that Verizon suffered on their website.

The image above shows the problem being addressed to Verizon employees, but this problem affected ANYONE who placed an order before noon on Friday, November 6th and chose Saturday overnight delivery. Apparently, Verizon's website had incorrectly marked this on their site. All Saturday deliveries are actually standard overnight shipping.

What does this mean for anyone who ordered early Friday? You will NOT be receiving your Droid on Saturday (unless you get lucky). We can't imagine how upset those who work everyday of the week in the city or elsewhere must be feeling. You're going to have to wait until you can be home to sign for the package or get a friend or family member to help you out. Regardless, Verizon will not allow your package to be released from the Fedex distribution center (so don't bother calling to ask). Verizon is giving everyone a credit for the difference in shipping...note, it's a credit to your account, not a monetary refund!

Anyone who ordered after noon on Friday are supposedly fine. Have you been affected by this? Are you going to have to wait to receive your Droid due to Verizon's slip-up? Tell us how you feel if you've been an unlucky Verizon customer.


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