*NEW* BlackBerry Pearl 9100 Stratus Hi-Res Images

We were lucky to get our hands on the BlackBerry Pearl 9100 Stratus for a couple of minutes. This next generation Pearl is a beauty. What we know about the Stratus:
  • Has TrackPad
  • Flash memory has been increased to 256 MB
  • The camera has a resolution of 3.2 MPX and flash
  • The screen has been clearly improved compared to previous models, Pearl (for it is worse than Bold or Tour)
  • It's running OS 5.0 and Platform 6.0
  • It has WiFi and 3G
  • The battery door, despite the striking similarity to that of the Storm, is made of plastic
  • BlackBerry Side layout is the same as the new BlackBerry devices
  • At the top of  9100 are multimedia keys
  • SIM card finally be easily removed
Sal already killed this device with a great overview video, but we should have our full preview soon. More images after break...


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