Google Nexus Two: A Threat to BlackBerry?

With the recent release of the Google Nexus One mobile phone there are already reports of its successor, the Nexus Two. The Nexus One has been labeled as the truest of all "iPhone killers" currently available to the public. Although the iPhone may have its popularity, many business users have found that it is not the greatest enterprise device. Therefore, attesting to Research In Motion's enterprise market stronghold with its BlackBerry devices. However, Google seems to be planning a blitzkrieg to become an enterprise device contender.
Rumors are beginning to soar abroad over the Nexus Two. What could it be exactly? "The next version of Google's Nexus One mobile phone will be designed with enterprise users in mind and might have a physical keyboard", said Andy Rubin, a vice president of engineering at Google and a key figure in the development of the Android operating system.

Many BlackBerry users can verify that having a physical QWERTY keyboard to type is imperative when sending out e-mails, building word or power-point documents. The inclusion of the touch-screen BlackBerry Storm series has not proved to be more attractive then a physical keyboard. Don't get us wrong, for some, the touch-screen keyboard on a Storm1 or Storm2 can be as easily typed on as a physical keyboard.

Google understands that the Nexus Two will also have to be as secure with data transmitting as a BlackBerry. Those who turned to the iPhone as an alternative to the BlackBerry have been met with many security flaws. If Google can make their open-source operating system, Android, to run securely and compatible with Microsoft Exchange, Research In Motion may have their first real opponent in the enterprise market.

There have been hoards of rumors and "confirmed" reports on a BlackBerry Storm3, which is supposed to sport a slide-out physical keyboard and many other features similar to the Android SenseUI. Could we see a "Slider Wars" in the future? The Google Nexus Two vs. the BlackBerry Storm3, with the winner possibly being the device prodigy to enterprise and non-enterprise users. Be honest, who do you think would win this battle, and why?

Note: The image used in this article is for descriptive purposes and is not real.


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