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In the Email:
Hello Everyone
I wanted to advise you that RIM will be launching the newest version of BlackBerry Internet Service (BIS) version 3.0 on March 21, 2010. To help you prepare your team as necessary, I've attached a Support Readiness Document as well as BIS 3.0 overview presentation and a Document summarizing the key new features. PLEASE share this information with your Technical Support Teams.
Also, please find below a summary of the RIM Web Based Training courses that have been created and posted to the Wind Mobile Course catalogue in the BlackBerry Universe learning management system.
Some of the key new features of this latest release are summarized below but the big news with the latest release is the Admin tool as the site has undergone many UI changes and your teams will need to become familiar with pre-launch.
BlackBerry Email Administration Tool
BlackBerry Internet Service 3.0 includes the upgrade of the BlackBerry Email Administration Tool. New features include:
- Enhanced user interface providing clearer, easier access to information and functions within the tool
- The introduction of ‘Groups' for managing support staff who utilize the system
- Enhanced permissions capabilities for administrators to more easily define which features should be available to their support staff users
- Link to BlackBerry Technical Solutions Centre
- Expanded browser support
- Additional subscriber search options
- Updates to the Enhanced Google Mail plug-in for BlackBerry smartphones
- Increased attachment compatibility
- OpenDocument presentations (.odp)
- OpenDocument spreadsheets (.ods)
- OpenDocument text (.odt)
- OpenDocument text templates (.ott)
- Windows Media® Audio (.wma)
- Improved email setup flow for HTML access
- xHTML Support for non-Thick Clients
- Device switch revalidation
- Carrier Friendly Names
- Hosted email address passwords
Troubleshooting Information
KB20613 - Provides information on the new features of BlackBerry Internet Service 3.0
KB20652 - Provides information on how to use labels using the Enhanced Google Email plug-in on a BlackBerry Smartphone
KB03265 - Provides information on BIS supported attachments KB to include OpenDoc and WMA formats
KB04553 - Provides information on setting up a hosted email address to include password requirements
KB18405 - Provides information on the Enhanced Google Mail plug-in
BlackBerry Training and Supporting Documentation
Online BlackBerry® Training and supporting documentation for BlackBerry Internet Service 3.0 is available at www.blackberryuniverse.com.
Training Format Course Name Course Code Duration
Job Aid BlackBerry Internet Service 3.0 711-01924-123 15 minutes
Web Based Training Introducing the BlackBerry Email Administration Tool to Administrators 718-01847-123 30 minutes
Introducing the BlackBerry Email Administration Tool to Representatives 718-01916-123 30 Minutes
For more information about BlackBerry Training, contact blackberrytraining@rim.com.
For assistance with BlackBerry Universe, contact support@blackberryuniverse.com.
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