BlackBerry Pearl 9100 (Stratus) OS Leaked!

We've once again been blessed with an OS for an unreleased device. This time around it is the upcoming BlackBerry Pearl 9100 aka Stratus. This is not a service OS, and therefore can be booted up using Desktop Manager. For those who are lucky enough to own one a BlackBerry Stratus you should find this beta OS to be a nice build.
For those who may be unfamiliar with what the Pearl 9100 will be - it is the next generation Pearl (obviously). It will sport a nice trackpad and be sleek and sexy as the Bold 9700 and Storm2. We've already discussed it's exact specs, which you may find as a nice read.

Download Pearl 9100 (Stratus) OS >>

*DISCLAIMER* - This is an unofficial RIM software release. If you choose to install, do so at your own risk! BB Leaks is not responsible for any malfunctions or abnormalities that may occur. 


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