BlackBerry Pearl 9100 To Offer Full QWERTY Keyboard?

As weird as it may seem, this might actually be a possibility. The guys over at CrackBerry are reporting that Al Sacco ( posted something he found from Chinese cell-phone parts seller called, TrueSupplier. They are offering a full QWERTY keyboard replacement for the BlackBerry Pearl 9100. The above photo looks legitimate enough, but I wonder what reasons RIM would have for moving away from the standard SureType keyboard that is usually found on the BlackBerry Pearl? It's also very possible that RIM may decide to just offer two versions of the phone - one with SureType keyboard and one with full QWERTY keyboard.

What are your thoughts on this? Could a full QWERTY keyboard work well on a smaller BlackBerry device or is this a move in the wrong direction for RIM? You be the judge...


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