Will Your BlackBerry Receive OS 6.0? Supported Devices Revealed!

*UPDATE* New information has obviously since come out. Unfortunately OS 6 takes up about 280MB memory. As you know, the Storm2 only had 256MB. This is why there should be a Storm2 Odin refresh that will have 512MB memory. Devices with out a touchscreen only use about 180MB of memory with OS 6. This is why the 9700, 9650, and 9100/9105 should all get OS 6.

The first day of WES 2010 has been a great start to what should be a very informative week. We recently brought you even more leaked details on the features of OS 6.0, which truly sound like RIM is working in the right direction. Now, we've learned details on which devices will receive OS 6.0 support.

All current unannounced BlackBerry devices such as the Clamshell 9670, Storm Slider (9800?), and potentially a Storm3 will all launch with OS 6.0. The Atlas 8980 and Kepler 9300 will most likely still release with only OS 5.0.

Of course you probably don't care about those devices, but want to know about the device you have now! We have received solid word from one of our connects that these will be the following "older" devices to receive OS 6.0 once released:

  • Bold 9650
  • Pearl 9100 and 9105
  • Bold 9700
  • Storm2 9520 and 9550
While we're told OS 6.0 should release in Q3, there really isn't a solid ETA. We are told the OS 6.0 bundles are still very early beta and won't start carrier testing until mid July. 

Will you still use your BlackBerry if it won't support OS 6.0? Or, do you think you'll upgrade to a newer model just for the new OS?


Bthomas24 said...

I will use my current model as long as it functions. Forcing people to upgrade hardware is really silly. It's hardware I paid money to purchase. It's not something RIM gives out for free. If I paid for the hardware, it would be great customer support of RIM to provide OS upgrades and enhancements to make their hardware function better.

Alex van den Hoogen said...

The Bold 9000 is getting old! This means only 128MB of memory. Even OS5 is quite slow IMHO.

Alex van den Hoogen said...

You should have bought the 9700 or the 9650 (if you're in the right area), because the Bold 9000 is just an old device.

Alex van den Hoogen said...

I guess the BlackBerry 8520/8530 should get BB6. Although it doesn't have a 600MHz CPU, but I think 512MHz would be fast enough to run it. Maybe without some of the fancy stuff.

Furthermore, it is a shame that they don't made OpenGL ES mandatory. That would speed up the OS much!

OhYeah1 said...

Are you sure it will be available for the BB Storm 2 - 9550???

HC Chan said...

I'm glad I just bought BB9700 a month ago! :D

Ignacio Muñoz said...

me too!!!

Ignacio Muñoz said...

i do have a 8520... I WANT it to be updatable :D

Doyle5 said...

so what your saying is that the new PEarl 9100 will be supported by OS 6?

ibcdoughboy said...

Wish the 8530 would get os6. Will not upgrade to a new phone just bc it won't have os6, but it would be nice to get some new features.

ibcdoughboy said...

What will save them, is that bb os is more stable than android, who, in their right mind wants an overpriced iphone, palm is still kind a unstable. Go get android. See how much you like that junk.

Stribor said...

I will upgrade! from my Bold to some Android. From my first enthusiasm I've became disappointed with the fact that rim is going more and more behind competition...tried an andorid, there is nothing i could miss from blackberry....

Sad Panda said...

If I don't get OS 6 on my 9700, then I'm probably going to go back to android. I love bbm but that's really the only thing going on for RIM right now.

Benjamin Kotraci said...

I will definitly upgrade to a newer modell I hope that 9800 Bold is gonna come out soon or I´mma die =(

Pcrost83 said...

rediculous if this supports storm 2 and not the original storm which is pretty much the same f'ing thing! I guess bberry says "whats a 9530? we never made that model"

CrackBerryMANGCOOL said...

If the Pearl 9100 and 9105 are getting it, why not the 8500? They all have THE SAME memory and processor speed. I think the list isn't quite right. And I'm pretty sure the 8500 is getting this update/OS.

CrackBerryMANGCOOL said...

Also, the Curve 8900 might be able to support this OS too since it has the same specs as the 8500 ad the new Pearl.

Elterrible said...

the 8530 has a 583MHz processor

Hgjud said...

I spent a lot of money on my storm. If there is no update, it will be a slap in the face.........maybe it's time to try an iphone

guest said...

agreed or android. they just lost me if they dare....

BBlicksballs said...

My 5.0 works just fine, If everyone is so worried about having the newest up to date phones then just buy a new one every year

Ray Grunch said...

Droid X

Terry said...

My Blackberry is still on contract. Blackberry should release updates for the Storm 9530. Trust me if I don't get an upgrade to OS6 then TTFN Blackberry..........Hello iPhone.

Erik Balaguer said...


Eko Wahyudin said...

Whi RIM put the OS on ROM? not on internal or external memory?

guest said...

i concur!! screw rim for trying to rip us off..

guest said...

it'd be nice if we could communicate to bbm from other devices like iphone or android..

Mário Rui Goncalves said...

If my storm2 doesn't get the new os 6, definitely i will move to apple, i think it will be better value for my money...

Its sad, because I really like BB.

Svenhalen said...

this is garbage. Most people supported Blackberry with buying these units to start. Stand behind your product....I'm sure most people will be giving Iphones and Android big sales boosts. I know I will

Al said...

I tend to use a phone way past the end of the contract date. While I'm not completely enchanted with my 9550, I find it does many things very well indeed. It works for the purposes I bought it for. Would I like to have the upgrade to 6.0? Sure. Would I like to have the newest techy gadget? Sure. Would I dump my BB because I can't get the latest/greatest etc. blah blah blah? No way. I can download 3x as much data than an iPhone for the same priced data plan [meaning I can get the lower priced data plan]. I have a great little video/camera when I forget my flash-based video cam. The security on my BB rivals anything... well let be blunt, there are no rivals [unless I move to India etc]. Will I look at other phones after my contract runs out? Of course.


shayne said...

I agree 100% even though I would want to let apple come out with some fixes for this new IPhone 4. I also have the 9530 aswell and at first there were problems with this phone however now I feel it is generally fixed. The OS 6 would be a great addition.

Auzy said...

Well I currently have alltel which is switching to att and they have the torch so ill prob get that! :D I can't wait!

Soccert14 said...

i would upgrade my blackberry to one with os 6.0. it just looks like it would be smoother and a all around better operating system. but i am a pure blackberry fan and i will never switch away from them.

Alf47981 said...

RIM Just playing lazy to be able create a lighter OS6 that can run on older devices...Come on RIM is that all you've got for your loyal customer??? that's it?! then i'm just too stupid to choose bb then iphone....damn!!!

No said...

I soooooooooooooooooooooooo agree!!!!!!! Seriously RIM? Do you think you are able to compete with your flimsy 512K? So 1990's of you.... You can try to justify it however you want, but were in 2010 now and people want GIGS of app space... not MEGS... Geez...

No said...

If RIM doesn't roll out OS 6 for the Storm 9530, so many of us with that phone are going to switch to Iphone4 it won't even be funny.

CO said...

agreed!!! I switched from iPhone to Blackberry a few months ago.... wondering if it was a good idea or not. If OS6 isn't made available for Storm 2 I'm definitely not going to buy the Torch just for the OS.... what I might do is get an Android or go back to iPhone. Hope they can manage to satisfy all of the Storm users.

DNeutral said...

The same for me. I have a Curve 8900, it is my first blackberry and will certainly be the last one. Thinking to get an Android phone if there's no update for the curve.

Jer said...

I'm sorry but NOT supporting the Tour puts me off. NEVER NEVER NEVER another RIM device. Looking at Android and iOS makes these things look like an non evolved dinosaur. Junk - NEVER AGAIN

Ants said...

I'm jumping to Android. This proprietary software business is just crap. I had faith in RIM to do right by me, but no, they went and denied the Storm 1 for an upgrade. I mean I only bought this thing brand new less than 2 years ago!

Marcelfennis777 said...

I'm hoping and hoping I won't have to switch to the Iphone ;-)
I'd really like to have OS 6 on my BB Bold 9000

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