More BlackBerry Storm 3 Specs Leaked?

You may recall that we broke the first details on the BlackBerry Storm3 back in December of 2009. Now, there are a few more rumored specs to add to the mounting mystery to the supposed next addition in the Storm series.

Some of the new rumored specs/details fall in line with what we previously told you. However, here are the new rumored specs:
  • Shell is the same as the Storm 2 but is different under the hood
  • 1GHz Processor
  • 8GB Internal Memory
  • 512MB flash memory but new tests have been with 1GB 
  • It will NOT run OS 6.0 – a new OS of its own
  • 5MP camera for now
  • Ability to run widgets with ability to personalize
  • SurePress Touchscreen, but it will be very different than before
  • It will be Verizon’s first or second LTE device
  • It’s currently being tested by a limited team to prevent leaks out
We've suggested that we won't see this device until early 2011. More and more evidence is beginning to suggest this to be true. Nevertheless, all is still purely speculation and we won't know the truth until we see the device leaked with hands-on evidence to support all claims.

It is interesting to think that the Storm3 may have its own OS with widgets. If this is true, then perhaps the "OS 6" screenshots we leaked were actually those of the Storm3 OS? Many people called them snippets from the concierge app shown at DevCon, but the images were certainly not shown at DevCon, nor associated with the concierge app "demo". 

When do you think the Storm3 will release? Will RIM just scrap the Storm3 and move on to the Storm4 with a name re-branding? 


Grammar Nazi said...

You have a grammatical error in your statement "SurePress Touchscreen, but it will be very different then before". You need to use "than", not "then". "Than" is used for comparisons, "then" is used when talking about time-related issues.

♐Ms.ζĄƝƝǪƝ♐ טרייסי ټ said...

OMG does it really matter about the little grammatical errors. If your smart enough your brain will automatically fix the problem...

ANYWAY I am soooo excited for the approach of the Storm 3. Its been under wraps for sooo long! It would be nice to get a new shell for the product maybe make it a little smaller or slimmer. Either way hope it lives up to the capabilities it is offering.

Abe. said...

Yes it really does matter. The English language is dirty and misused enough as it is. When someone is writing a publicized article for people to read then it should be grammatically correct. Unlike the many comments you post on the internet and are dismissed for because you can not use the English language correctly.

I.E. ' ♐Ms.ζĄƝƝǪƝ♐ טרייסי ټ' do you even know what any of those mean or do you just think they look cool.

Don't be surprised if you see a lot more devices from RIM popping up with 4g. Perhaps even ones we have already seen in pictures ;)

♐Ms.ζĄƝƝǪƝ♐ טרייסי ټ said...

no sorry you're what you put then re-read my statement....

♐Ms.ζĄƝƝǪƝ♐ טרייסי ټ said...

and yeah dick head i know what it means...I'm Hebrew and it's my name...You go research it and tell me what my name is..uughhhh

Kam Beard said...

omg is everyone on the spelling errors search today???? i think it's great you guys troll the internet looking for spelling errors. that's not why i'm here though...storm 3 info please!!! i'm sure the poster just wanted to be one of 1st to post but he or she will correct errors later today. happy guys? now does anyone else have some useful storm 3 info? pictures would be nice.

Grammar Nazi notsee said...

High grammer notsee.

commas and periods will always be within the quotation marks.

Now go fuck you'reself

Kam Beard said...

oh yeah on the storm 3 i think RIM is going to change the shell because another source has said that the storm 3 is thinner. RIM is just trying to fool us by using the storm 2 shell so the new storm 3 pics will not leak out like the iphone lol. so that's why no one has seen pictures of a storm 3 floating around the internet. i still say this phone will be released by the end of the year because that's when verizon will have LTE in about 30 metro cities. which is a good start. I don't think RIM has to worry about iphone 4. Hopefully they are building an android killer this time!

BlackberryUndergrnd said...

It would be great if the new OS on the Storm 3 was a hybrid Blackberry Android theme. We heard once they they were thinking about using Google, so maybe they are going to make the jump to a consumer OS and Business OS

Bilbo said...

You are a total moron.

Rdecaul said...

how about taking it a step further lol, common mistake... different than (incorrect) it is "different from" when making a comparison

Nicholas Belcourt said...

Fuck the grammer trolls and the hebrew bitch! All i gotta say is that the Storm3 better impress me enough to switch from my Storm1, and a different OS would be cool, but I hope it keeps the classic blackberry look but packs it full of goodies like 4G, widgets, TONS of app memory (i really hope they skip the 512mb and finally upgrade to a whole shiny new gigabyte!) and a wicked new touchscreen. Cause I love my Storm1 but ive heard roumers that they have prefected the surepress technology and I cant wait to start clicking again! (my storm1 doesnt click anymore it mushes)

Suomynonaeno said...

I won't mind if they plan to stick with Storm2's old chassis provided if the on paper specs can at least be 90% implemented with a capacitive SurePress AND a better 5mp this time.It should be a be all end all full touch BB that works.However according to this rumor it'd be with an own OS why?I thought OS 6 can deliver and fix the full touch UI workings this time?

@Kam Beard
So what's your source has hinted you with inputs about this?What do you think about it?

Kevin J. Shutt said...

"You're smart enough" not "your smart enough." "You're" means "you are." "Your" is possessive.

Kevin J. Shutt said...

Just because you believe "your brain will automatically fix the problem" does not make it OK to fillet the English language. And, I'm coming from an American English perspective, not some other form of English. :)

Rodgers4MVP said...

i have a uprgrade special at vzw thinking about getting the droid 2 anybody think i should stick with the storm and wait til storm comes out or get the droid2?

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