Retrevo 2010 Gadget Census Shows BlackBerry U.S. States

The Retrevo 2010 Gadget Consensus has been completed, showing some very interested results. The infographic above gives a nice estimate on which states in the U.S. are primarily home to a specific platform. What kind of state are you?

The results show the iPhone beating BlackBerry and Android for Gadgetoral votes. Although, both BlackBerry and Android tie for the amount of states they're in.

Some people may not find this to be the most accurate depiction of a platform within each state. Here is the official method for attaining a 'Gadgetoral' vote:

Gadgetoral votes were calculated based on smartphone ownership per capita across the country. Each state was granted a 3 vote minimum consistent with electoral college. Phone “states” were created based on differences in per capita ownership between individual states and the national average.
The Gadget Census was conducted online from March, 2010 through July, 2010 and received over 7,500 individual responses from Retrevo users distributed across gender, age, and location. Responses were weighted based on reported demographics to gain accurate estimations of gadget ownership and usage within and across demographics. All data is therefore reported as weighted data in which most responses have a confidence interval of +/- 4% at a 95% confidence level.
 Whether you agree with the results or not, it is still interesting. Nevertheless, you can checkout Retrevo for more info.


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