BlackBerry Onyx 9700 T-Mobile Image Leaked

T-Mobile USA PR sent, whether accidentally or on purpose, this marketing image of the new BlackBerry Onyx 9700 to Al Sacco from Their e-mail also contained this bit of information regarding the Onyx:
The BlackBerry 'Onyx' sports a premium experience and design with a high-gloss black finish and leather grain detail on the back. Boasting features such as high-speed 3G Web browsing, Wi-Fi calling, visual voicemail and support for corporate and personal e-mail options, the 'Onyx' will satisfy all your on-the-go needs. Also the phone comes preloaded with mobile applications from BlackBerry App World, including Amazon MP3 store for quick and easy music downloads and TeleNav GPS Navigator for turn-by-turn directions.
The next in line for the Bold series is said to support UMA, or Wi-Fi calling for the T-Mobile HotSpot@Home service. It was also noted that the 'Onyx' will ship with an Amazon MP3 BlackBerry app. The BlackBerry Onyx 9700 should be releasing before the end of 2009.


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