Iris Browser BlackBerry Screenshots?

When we saw these sitting in our inbox, we couldn't believe our eyes. It appears to be the newly acquired Iris Browser from Torch Mobile running on a BlackBerry. However, we're not too sure what to make of these images...if they are actually real. Nevertheless, if they are real, it looks beautiful and we're ready for its release!

From what it looks like from the screen captures it appears to have "tabs" unless this is the template for history. If its anything like the windows mobile browser, we're hoping it performs better on BlackBerry's. We're still skeptical with these images, given how recent the aquisition of Torch Mobile by RIM. If any new info comes to fruition we will keep you updated.


Sir Brian said...

That looks hot!! I hope that's real

Jimie said...

I'm with Sir Brian. I hope beyond hope this is real.

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