Facebook v1.7 Coming Soon

The next installment in the RIM designed Facebook app for BlackBerry's may be here soon. It is rumored to release in September, but no one knows if it is designed to run on OS 5.0, as hoped by many who have updated their OS' to leaked version. 
Some of the new features are:

  • Faster page loading
  • Ability to filter the news feed (Status updates, photos, links, etc.)
  • A new view profile option

Check back here for more details and/or leaked version.


Ramanda Indrawan said...

When will this be up in market?
Do we have to upgrade our Blackberry BOLD especially the O/S to be able to use this?

If yes, where and how do we upgrade our O/S ?


Lucas Atkins said...


As far as I know the v1.7 will be for the OS 5.0, or at least compatible, but I am sure it will also work on OS 4.7 devices. From what I have heard, the release and/or leak for Facebook v1.7 should be very soon! I know I can't wait to have facebook back with OS 5.0 :)

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