Vlingo Plus Upgrade Codes Leaked

A few upgrade codes for Vlingo Plus have been leaked. Download the free version first, then add then add the codes. Here are the codes: Code1: 2547 6830 8318 6829 8164 Code2: 2576 4564 5531 8741 8943 Enjoy!


Unknown said...

the codes aint workin for me...

Anonymous said...

me either. i was looking forward to this

Lucas Atkins said...

Hey not sure why the codes aren't working. I don't think they have limited use. They are free codes given to Verizon and RIM employees. I will see if I can get more. Sorry, they're not working.

Unknown said...

its all good...beggers cant be choosers...lemme know if you can get them to work, as i could def use this prog...

Anonymous said...

yes the ones from rim and verizon when you get two free codes are one time use.

when you get more please let me know

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