We've seen some Blackberry Storm clones that haven't been all too great. Could this one be a true mock of the original Blackberry Storm? Hardly. A Chinese company has made the 'Broncho A1' to imitate the Storm 1. They even gave it a circular trackpad! It's specs aren't all too special with the Broncho A1 sporting 600MHz CPU, 3.2-inch touchscreen (similar to HTC Hero), 3.2 megapixel camera, FM Radio, WiFi, and GPS. The only downer about the Broncho A1 is it's available RAM is only 128mb. Don't think you'll be using a lot of apps with this device.
Here we even see President Obama supporting the 'Blockberry Storm'

More images of the Broncho A1 after break...

Here's a few others from China Grabber

It's just too funny to see these clones. Some of them have features better than the original Blackberry Storm. The two devices running Mac OSX and Android are by far the funniest looking clones we've seen so far.
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