AT&T Stores Now Ordering Bold 9700 - Nov 16 Release Date Possible?

Our AT&T ninja just dropped the bomb on the BlackBerry Bold 9700 (Onyx). Apparently, all retail stores have received their Holiday 2009 lineup order forms. What has finally appeared? The Bold 9700! The pricing listed on the order form is the base price that AT&T pays RIM per order of 4-5 devices. So, AT&T is roughly paying $100 per Onyx.

If AT&T has just received their order forms for the Onyx, can they still match T-Mobile's rumored release date of November Monday?! We've heard that it is normal sometimes for retail stores to receive new devices even as late as the day they're to release. The 16th could still very well be a feasible release date, but we won't know until Sunday. We'll keep you posted!

We have the full raw order form. If you're interested to know what other devices AT&T is getting, drop us a line and we'll be happy to show you.


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