Touchscreen and Slide-out Keryboard BlackBerry Confirmed by Analysts

There were a handful of rumors circulating around about a device dubbed 'Mr. T' that would sport a touchscreen interface (like Storm2) and a slide-out full QWERTY keyboard. Then we heard that the codename had been changed from 'Mr. T' to 'Talladega'. There wasn't hardly anymore information or even an inkling of authenticity to back up the rumors.

However, analysts from Kaufman Bros. said they had been receiving strong indications from RIM on a hybrid cross-bread of touchscreen/keyboard. In there analysis they concluded that, "from our understanding, this new BlackBerry would have a full touchscreen plus a pull-out physical keyboard. It would be similar to others from HTC, Palm, Motorola and others but of course sport a distinctive signature BlackBerry industrial design."

Kaufman Bros. also made the suggestion that the new browser RIM is working on is based off of the same web-kit that was used to make Apple Safari, Google Chrome and  Palm WebOS Browser.They also believed RIM might introduce the ability to download other 3rd-party browsers, like Internet Explorer or Google Chrome. Perhaps there might still be a chance for FireFox? We'll see.


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