BlackBerry Projector 'Black-Box' a Reality?

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For years business professionals have been able to use their BlackBerry devices as a means to transport their work materials. In order to display a PowerPoint or other documents  in a meeting people were forced to either transfer the materials to a computer or use a 3rd-party projector converter (i.e. Impactica ShowMate).

We have been told by our leading source that Research In Motion is currently working on a portable projector, we're calling the 'Black-Box'. While we cannot confirm nor deny this, it sounds like it will make a great first-party accessory. The details are vague, but it appears as the projector will be its own detachable piece and not apart of an upcoming BlackBerry device (unlike Logic Bolt or CKing).

2010 sounds like it will be one very interesting year for BlackBerry. We cannot wait to see what else may be in store. Would you purchase this accessory to show PowerPoint projects? Do you think it could be very useful?


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