SwinDoe Releases BLKBerry Remix 2.0

If you're on BBM and you haven't heard or downloaded the smash tune from SwinDoe "BLKBerry" then your device has been deprived. Ever since the 5.0 release, it has been the BB theme song to say the least. With the constant upgrades and new versions of software, its only right that your music player get a remix as well. SwinDoe released the much anticipated "BLKBerry 2.0" to his BBM family First! If ya thought it couldn't get better, it just did. Google SwinDoe and discover he's much more than a jingle rapper. His music deals with social/global issues like immigration, relationships, political agendas and the collapsing of hip hop. Leading up to his January 25, 2010 album release, "Hop-Turn-A-Tive", Swin will be showcasing his acting and writing talents with two mini movies, "In & Out" and "Equal" which both won best drama in film festivals in 2009. He continues to exploded the "box" and deliver the soundtrack for everyday life. Keep up with SwinDoe by following him on twitter (@swindoe) or login on to his mobile friendly site www.swindoe.com


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