Amazon Kindle For Blackberry Review

Kindle from Amazon is one of the most popular e-book readers on the market. Kindle currently has about 444,000 books available for their device. Well now Amazon has created Kindle for Blackberry. The release has created quite a stir in the Blackberry community and people cannot get enough of it. I at first was skeptical about reading books on my Blackberry but am pleased to say I am now a Kindle user also.

The app's interface is very good looking and easy to navigate and is very similar to the Amazon App for Blackberry that came out last year. Kindle for Blackberry is very easy to use. You simply go the Kindle Shop in the app, and there you will find 444,000 books in your grasp, many of them free.

Once you have downloaded the book of your choosing, you can access it from the main menu. Select it, and you are immersed in the text of the book you chose. There you can read, change the font size between six different sizes, add bookmarks, and select a certain page or chapter to go to.

The Kindle Store

"Elementary my dear, Watson!"
Along with the app are several nice keyboard shortcuts:

  • Press 'P' or 'shift' + 'space' to go to the previous page.
  • Press 'B' to add a bookmark to the current location (page).
  • Press 'F' to toggle full screen reading mode on or off.
  • Press '-' or '+' to change font sizes.
Now, what if your device, like mine, is not listed as one of the supported devices? Well good news, the guys over at discovered that all you need is the COD that comes with the official version. The app runs flawlessly with just the COD as you can see from the screenshots from my 8330 Curve.

Download Here @

If you have a Blackberry 9000, 9700, 8520, 8900, 9530, 9550, or a 9630, than download at


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