LinkedIn App for Blackberry Now Available!

LinkedIn, after much anticipation, has finally released the first version of their app.  I know I'm pretty excited about it because it appears to have a bunch of features that make it an efficient and useful app.  Ringing in at version 1.0, it's only available at the moment on the Bold, Tour, and Curve models which are running OS 4.3 or higher.  Its integrated  with the contacts, calendar and messenger apps and has many other features along with it.  When you boot it up, it has a login screen which is crisp, clean and to the point.  After you log in, you'll see a pop up asking you if you want to integrate your contacts and calendars and then once you select what you want, the dashboard is right there.  

It gives you 6 options:

- post your status 
- search users 
- see your connections 
- see your pending invitations 
- see your new messages 
- reconnect 

All in all it looks like a complete, well developed app that if you're any type of LinkedIn user, you'll be able to enjoy what it offers.  This is a great addition to the app space and breath of fresh air from yesterday's news that RIMs Twitter app is postponed.  Chock full of options, wonderfully complete and asthetically pleasing I'd say go for it.  

Download link is Sound off and tell us what you think.  :)


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