Pearl 9105 Striker With T9 Keyboard?

With the leaked OS .604 for the BlackBerry Pearl 9100 some people (@banthon and @sugarmantreacle) have discovered that the OS was not exclusive to 9100. In fact, they've uncovered that there will be a second model (9105), which will include a T9 traditional keyboard.

This falls in line with what we already know as two codenames: striker and stratus. We'll put forth the notion that Stratus will be the Americas version, while Striker is the European and possibly Asian version. If the Striker 9105 is supposed to have a T9 keyboard, this goes along perfectly with what we've been hearing about a new Pearl with a T9 keyboard!

Our friends at have been given an idea of what this would look like:
It will be very interesting to see what comes of this device and if the 9105 will launch the same time as the 9100. What do you think of a next generation BlackBerry Pearl with a T9 keyboard?


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