Leaked: BlackBerry Bold 9700 OS

It has felt like an eternity for any OS love for those with a BlackBerry Bold 9700. Now OS has dropped, which is a fairly decent step up from the last OS! We've also been told that this could possibly be the last OS 5 release before we see OS 6 for the 9700.

Download Bold 9700 OS from:
*DISCLAIMER* - This is an unofficial RIM software release. If you choose to install, do so at your own risk! BB Leaks is not responsible for any malfunctions or abnormalities that may occur.


Xmanmaster1 said...

ok solved do it from the application loader wizard and not from desktop manager.
9700 with new F/W is on!

Rompnstomp said...

Installed the new OS and have used it for a few hours. At this point I don't notice any differences aside from freeing up about 9 megs of app space. Maybe I will stumble across something in the next few days...on a positive everything works fine. Please bring me OS 6....if it doesn't come soon my obsessive compulsive behavior will drive me to the 9780!

Xmanmaster1 said...

error message: update could not continue missing amercan english files, and installation stopps> any luck guys? current F/W

Davidmejiam said...

How did you do the update, because i apparently can't perform the update through desltop manager. Any suggestions?

fuck you.... said...

youre probably using an iphone...

Juan Esteban Arango said...

same here.... don't know what you're talking about

codroipo said...

im always on 3g and never had a random reboot

Bobjesus said...

ffs where is 6.0 ?!?!?

Cedric said...

Does it improve the connection stability? 3G / EDGE handoff sucks in every previous version. It's a 3g phone which is only usable with EDGE only - unless you're a fan of random reboots.. ;)

Jbrant said...

I Installed the new OS a few hours, I have noticed as well that I have about 13mb of free app space available. The lock screen is a little different, and I don't know if it is just me but everything does fell to work a little smoother and maybe even a little faster. I guess it will have to do for now hoping for the new OS6 soon!!

D2k said...

If by some chance the link I provided earlier doesn't work go to the link below, select English -> Faq and there should be a link in the first sentence that will direct you to that page.



D2k said...

Hi guys, I'm not sure if this is correct but I've found version 1149 for the Bold 9700 when I was looking for OS upgrades for my carrier (Wataniya Telecom Kuwait).


Can someone confirm whether or not this is newer than 938 as I'm not too sure on the way version numbers are assigned.


K_greenblatt said...

D2k, that's version .680

Ozmen said...

it has nearly been 100 minutes and still waiting for it to upload ram image!!!

semperfried76 said...

Never had reboots with my 9700, but I know where Cedric is coming from. I can't get 3G service in my house; my wife has a Motorola Cliq (Android) and never had 3g problems- also, cannot make phone calls from my office with 3g turned on

Xmanmaster1 said...

4 day 24/7 till now new firmware looks very stable. OS 06 is dearly expected!

Golmaal said...

The download links no longer work...any updated, working links? TIA

Sebas said...

same for me... all the links are broken... =(

Eddy Rahardjo said...

It's been 5 days with new OS .... more stable 3G signal, good battery consumption, takes more than 5 mins to reboot!

nubam said...


nubam said...


roachman said...

Links not working... please provide new ones

Bkjjok said...


Golmaal said...

Finally found it... get it from http://uploading.com/files/get/f7a9c162/

Golmaal said...

Or from http://www.mediafire.com/?n55rh4x5p4exisx

Francoisvalo said...

new link for v5.0.0.938

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