Leaked: BlackBerry Bold 9650 OS

You may now lay to rest OS 5 for the BlackBerry Bold 9650. If you've got yourself some time on this beautiful Saturday, you may want to fire up app loader and boot up OS for your Bold 9650!

The last sign of OS 6 for the Bold 9650 showed it at version, which was very buggy. While we aren't sure what has been fixed or added, we can assume .222 should be much better.

Download Bold 9650 OS from:
*DISCLAIMER* - This is an unofficial RIM software release. If you choose to install, do so at your own risk! BB Leaks is not responsible for any malfunctions or abnormalities that may occur.


Demous said...

Thanks allot BBleaks for this :D I am loading it right away. I love you BBleaks :D

ozmen said...

how to load this please reply

beri said...

Where are these RIM tools located exactly?

jonathan said...

BBleaks i was one of the guys who never doubted you..........you guys friggen rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cooldoglouie said...

doesint work on macbook download

bkeBrian said...

Loading right now... waiting for the final reboot
will report back later with how it works!

BabyGurl said...

Can someone tell us which files need to be deleted or is it just the vendor file? If it's just the vendor file then why confuse people with RIM TOOLS.

BKEBrian said...

well OS 6 is up and running on my VZW 9650 and aside from getting used to the new innerface it seems pretty nice. There is some lag but then again there was some lag with 5.0 too! No complaints YET but again... only had it for about an hour. Nothing to report on mem leaks or stuff like that yet... onward crack heads!

Jaun Fintar said...

Well now, that doesn't sound promising! I'm on a MacBook Pro and I suppose I could try Win XP under Parallels or (gulp...) fire up the old Dell and try from there... :)

kd said...

i love bbleaks, You guys came through as always (:

Taquochuytb said...

i love you so much.....

beri said...

Thanks BBLeaks!! Love yall so much! The wait is finally over :)

Markanthonyclarkeny said...

I just jizzed in my pants!! thanks bbleaks !!!

Pierocksmysocks said...

Awesome! The leak works pretty great. There's a couple small issues like being able to download .jad files and what not, but otherwise it works fairly well.

Just fyi, using it on a Sprint 9650 :)

Mark Kook said...

i have the sprint 9650 aswell and i see there is lil issues as well like the BBM pictures don't load up other then thats is awesome

Steve said...

Is anyone else getting an error message in the browser every time that there is insufficient network coverage (even though there should be)? I tried to change the browser identification as a fix, but I can't find that Option even.

The browser works when my WiFi is turned on, just not when I'm only on 3g.


Steve said...

I forgot, this issue below is on Verizon

419 Radio said...

All the links have been deleted. Can someone please upload a mirror? Thank you.

Bryan said...

What happen to all the download sites??? Mother Ship shut them all down?

Taquochuytb said...

This is Mediafire link: http://www.mediafire.com/?lpa2pw9582mlgvl
but os6 not work on my network servicer's 3G...

Khoathuongpr said...

i have upped OS 6 for BOLD 9650, but i can not use the 3G by browser.
Could you pls help me ?


Josh said...

Note...Skype will not reinstall from the Skype website on your 9650 once this is installed. You will also not be able to reinstall VZnavigator. I'm happy overall with this OS on my 9650, but it's not without it's glitches. Here are a few..

-hitting the "send" key sometimes reveals a white screen instead of recent calls
-typing a name from home screen sometimes shows same white screen
-freezes up sometimes...then works fine after about 60seconds of being frozen
-links that previously opened the Browser to download apps currently open the browser, but do not go to the download page...making it impossible to dl the app OTA
-blackberry maps is glitchy
-google mobile app has intermittent connection issues
-no light on video camera
-camera freezes randomly when shooting in "close up" or "low light" mode

I've been running OS6 since the posting of this leak (almost 2 weeks). So far it's great!

John4554 said...

Yes I agree with you, I noticed also that the latest OS 5 is much faster than this OS 6, it is probably still in beta test. For now I am going back to OS 5 until the official 6.0 is out.

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