Verizon BlackBerry Tour 9630 Getting OTA Upgrade to OS Today?

It seems that Verizon is really starting to get on the ball about pushing out new OS'. Verizon maintains the strongest testing out of any carrier and therefore causes new devices and especially OS releases to be delayed. Luckily for the Tour 9630 users you just may be getting up to date with OS!

It is being said that today at 6PM EST Verizon will begin pushing out an OTA upgrade. While some people are reporting to have already received the upgrade, the OS still has not been listed on the Verizon website. However, if you check out the Tour 9630 support page it clearly talks about the upgrade to OS, as shown in the image above.

It should be interesting to see if Verizon stays on time with this release. This could be a good sign that Verizon may be giving BlackBerrys better and quicker support. Let us know if you receive the update!

Thanks, @drinka4yearz for the tip!


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