Verizon Pushing More Junk Quick Launch Apps; This Time It's Fox News and Games

It is unfortunate, but Verizon Wireless is notorious for pushing junk quick launch apps to BlackBerrys and other devices on the network. Some of you may remember the huge uproar that was started when Verizon forced all BlackBerry native browsers to only use Bing as the search provider.

Now it seems Verizon is pushing a few more quick launch apps to slow down your BlackBerry and you can't delete them. The newest one we've noticed is for Fox News. A few more we haven't seen before are The Sims 3 and Tetris.

It isn't unusual for carriers to push apps to users phones. However, we can count a total of 16 so far. When will it end and how much more clutter will Verizon push out? Have you noticed these pushed to your phone? If you haven't yet, you most likely will after a battery pull.


rezn said...

I am so glad someone finally used the word "JUNK" since so many other sites having been writing posts on this junk like it's exciting. I personally don't use any of it. I had to create a folder just to hide all this stuff and with each new theme I get or Review I have to place all this Junk in that folder and hide it. I just wish Developers would also take it out of their screen shots too. Since they don't make their products look more appealing.

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