BlackBerry Torch 9800 Simulator Now Available for Developers

Are you a BlackBerry app or theme developer? Good news for you as the simulator for the BlackBerry Torch 9800 has officially released. Lets' hope we see some amazing new apps and themes for OS 6!

The following is a Press Release from App World:

Here at BlackBerry App World, we’re all very excited over the announcement of RIM’s latest addition – The BlackBerry Torch 9800. It is now listed as 9800 under Supported Devices in the Vendor Portal and is automatically included as part of the ‘Supports All Devices’ option. Please note the following steps to streamline the availability of your applications.

·         If you selected ‘Supports All Devices’ for a given application, please confirm that the submitted release does in fact work on the 9800. We will begin vetting these applications on the 9800 immediately and will require all tests to pass for the application to remain in App World.

·         If you did not select ‘Supports All Devices’ but your application supports the 9800, please add it to the appropriate bundle or create a new Release to support it.  The 9800 will be running an OS version of 6.0 and should be taken into consideration when configuring your file bundles.

·         If your application is not supported by the 9800, please update the information on the Vendor Portal and only select devices that your application supports.

Here is what you need to know about the new BlackBerry Torch 9800 –

·         Supports GSM/GPRS/EDGE/HSDPA networks worldwide providing 3G cellular connectivity around the world
  • 480 x 360 screen resolution
  • 5.0 MP Camera with Auto Focus, Scene Modes support and video recording
  • Location Support through the Geolocation Service and Autonomous GPS
  • Wi-Fi® Support – 802.11n
  • 4 GB of onboard memory, with MicroSD support for up to 32GB (for multimedia, etc.); 512MB Flash Memory (Application Space)
  • The first BlackBerry smartphone with a keyboard and touch screen!
  • Touch screen and trackpad:
    • Touch screen does not utilize SurePress™ – to accommodate in-market apps supporting SurePress, a TouchEvent.DOWN event will also generate TouchEvent.CLICK and TouchEvent.UNCLICK events.  So what would’ve previously been a DOWN / UP sequence on previous BlackBerry smartphones supporting touch now results in a DOWN / CLICK / UNCLICK / UP sequence, where the CLICK and UNCLICK events are generated following the DOWN event. 

For more information please visit the BlackBerry6 page here:

Application simulators can be found here:  

1 comments: said...

doesnt show up for me!

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