Leaked: BlackBerry Torch 9800 OS

It was not very long ago that the first BlackBerry Torch 9800 was leaked. Now there is OS for those with older prerelease devices and others who would like to make hybrids.

Download Torch 9800 OS From:

*DISCLAIMER* - This is an unofficial RIM software release. If you choose to install, do so at your own risk! BB Leaks is not responsible for any malfunctions or abnormalities that may occur.


jon said...

how do u go about installing a LEAK? is like installing an official release thats not from your carrier????????????????????? please help me

NJBourne23 said...

So my 9650 still can't use this can it? or is that considered a prerelease device?

K.B. said...

HUGE YAWN. We don't care about this, there probably isn't even 50 people who can make use of this. Give us a 9700 or a 9650 leak and then we'll all have something to be excited about. Until then, this is nothing.

Conism8701 said...

yea i agree with K.B. we want the 9700 leak os 6

Mr Collinz0 said...

Use a program called BBSAK to load an unofficial os get it here http://rimgeeks.com/ if you need assistance loading the os or wiping you're device go onto youtube and search BBSAK there is many useful tutorials

jon said...

great.........thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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