First Live Images of BlackBerry 6 Running on a Bold 9650

We know there are a lot of people with older BlackBerrys (9650, 9700, and 9100/9105) that are dying to get OS 6.0 on their device. We showed you not long ago a few screen captures of OS 6 on a Bold 9650. Now we have new photos of BlackBerry 6 physically running on a living 9650.

Yes, this is a Verizon Bold 9650 and yes it is OS meant for Verizon. However, it is completely up to the carriers whether or not OS 6 will get officially released on the aforementioned older devices. We do hope, though, that Verizon will pass OS 6 for the 9650 with flying colors. However, from what we've heard of the current testing, OS 6 is running very sluggishly on the 9650. Perhaps the current build is outdated and OS 6 will eventually run efficiently. Nevertheless, keep your hopes high and check out the rest of the photos below.


Theonlychoman said...

Wow! The "sluggish" statement is a little disconcerting...

Blackberrycafe Blackberry said...

I agree! :-O I have the 9700 so hopefully they will tweak it, but not take anything away.

beri said...

Even though its sluggish, id still love to give it a shot!

BerryInformed said...

Well when you get to then hopefully things will smooth out.

BBMe247 said...

Platform Is that something to be concerned about?

Nate said...

Not sure. It might be because it's outdated like he mentions. I think the pearl 3G had a 6.2.something platform, yet it is running OS5...for now... My assumptions might be totally out in left field, so take them with a grain of salt.

Joshua Smith said...

I agree! We know they have it so lets leak already. Whats the point in posting more pictures? Solomodrin has already stated on Crackberry it would leak "by Tuesday at latest" and we're well past that. I feel like you're just teasing us and the 9650 users are a little pissed off over it. Lets GO guys!

turin_089JJ0.XPlaneta. said...

any leaks images for 9700?

Toan00790 said...

so bb 6 takes over 200mb to run? leaves little room for the bold 9700

Gg said...

modern OSes need modern hardware. Can't be 2 generations behind and expect to run modern OS. Hell this OS aint even nearly modern. No open gl? For god's sake!

skribl said...

how is the blackberry 9650 an "old" device?

Kkrdennis said...

Yes they have the leak and i dont what the deal with not releasing this already. when been hearing about blackberry 6 for months. Just release it already!

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