RIM VP Confirms QNX OS Will Eventually Be On Future BlackBerry Devices

Earlier today during a breakfast at the BlackBerry DevCon 2010, a Research In Motion VP confirmed that the QNX operating system (as seen on the PlayBook tablet) would be used in future BlackBerry devices. The QNX system is said to eventually replace the entire BlackBerry OS.

We're aren't too surprised to hear that the QNX OS will become the new standard for BlackBerry smartphones, but don't expect it anytime soon. The RIM VP says, "BlackBerry 7 would likely be a stepping stone to a full switch".

The QNX OS should be a stellar move for the BlackBerry platform. The QNX system will bring a lot to the table in allowing for efficiency, low power consumption, integration of Adobe Flash and AIR, 3D rendering, interoperability of some current apps, and good developer support.

It is safe to say that we should see future BlackBerry devices with a very solid OS. We're very excited for the future of RIM and BlackBerry, and can't wait for the PlayBook to be released. What are your initial thoughts on QNX?

via IntoMobile

*NOTE* Just in case you did. No, the image above is not real.


Bryan said...

So we should expect a blackberry 7 OS? If thats the case, then I hope developers bringing their content to the Blackberry Playbook (QNX OS underpinnings) can easily convert their wares to blackberry phones if the screen real estates allows for it.

You don't want to create apps for a 'dying' OS if it can't be ported over quickly (because of costs).
I use the term dying loosely because they acknowledge that this QNX platform will move over to Blackberry Smartphones.

I still think OS6 is capable but it certainly is a lot harder to develop for in which case Im hoping RIM will also acknowledge that with better tools and support if there is no rush to move over.

The tablet OS looks great and I like that it's differentiating itself somewhat from the other mobile OSes like android and iOS for the simple fact that their OSes were built with mobile phones in mind.

I know the image isn't real but for some reason, i much prefer the simpler icons presented on BBOS6 smartphones but at least they are better looking than the stock standard ones you see on android.

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