Video: BlackBerry PlayBook Preview

Want to get a quick glimpse of the BlackBerry PlayBook? Research In Motion has pushed out a nice promotional video showing the QNX operating system and some of the features you'll find on the PlayBook tablet. Hit the break for the video.

So what do you think? We're definitely psyched about the PlayBook tablet and believe it will be a great contender in the tablet market!


Bryan said...

I honestly believe there should have been a usb port near the top of the camera for anything plug in there.. It'd be nice if you could install a usb modem in there. because you were to put that on your lap, youre going to have a usb poking into your gut :P

otherwise good idea with the ports on the 'bottom' (because im assuming you can twist the screen around to your preference) if they do decide to bring out any peripherals that turn it into a mini computer such as a keyboard. much prefer the landscape mode on tablets than on mobile phones to be honest. Wierd huh! maybe it dues to watching movies etc which isn't something I do on a mobile phone which is why i prefer a torch over say a n97 when it comes to using a physical keyboard.

casual gaming is still not something I see myself using on a full enabled touch screen device without some physical buttons to push down on. Think i'd still prefer a ds/psp for something like that but otherwise for a few mins here and there, how can you complain!

The dual HD cameras are great and about time actually, skype here we come!

I like the actual look of the tablet and I think 7" is about right, though I do carry around a netbook for travel where before it use to be a larger 15" laptop. In saying that those vaio z if I could afford it would be the travel device I'd get for presentations etc.

We'll just have to wait and see if the battery life is good enough for a 6 hour journey or more and whether or not the apps for business and leisure really do add more to the experience than say a netbook or a more expensive laptop.

One things for sure, its a good move by RIM to market this as a companion to your blackberry as this will be one of the biggest reasons to get this tablet in the first place where its not something you'd usually consider when carrying around a laptop unlike the iPad and android capable tablets where I just see no need for it when I have a netbook that does all my browsing, multimedia needs (except intensive gaming which I dont do anyways! unless you're talking about solitaire :P)

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