Verizon Canceling the Storm 9570; Giving Tour 9630, Bold 9650, and Curve 3G Updates?

It was just the other week we learned that the rumored Storm2 'refresh' was going to be the Storm 9570. The 9570 was going to be a beefed up Storm2 that will sport 512mb RAM, 5MP camera, OS6, and likely an upgraded processor. Now, there are reports from a leaked Verizon roadmap that show Verizon may have scrapped the 'refresh' deal all together.

Verizon has really been pushing devices on Android. We're venturing to guess that Verizon understands a Storm2 'refresh' probably wouldn't see strong sales. This must have been a last minute decision, since the Storm 9570 we saw was already Verizon branded.

Nevertheless, other carriers may still pick up the 9570. It wouldn't surprise us if we saw the Storm 9570 hit Sprint. It will also be interesting to see if there will be a GSM version, perhaps it will be the 9560?

Verizon also plans to give updates to the Tour 9630, Bold 9650, and Curve 3G 9330 in October. Apparently, for "known issues", whatever they may be.

Were there any Verizon customers out there looking forward to the Storm 9570? Could you hold out until 2011 for a possible 4G LTE Storm device?


Cameronmangast said...

I am trying very hard to hold out. I am an original storm user and I want something now. I did not want a storm2 refresh. I hope to at least hear a date of with the storm3 will be released, even if it is sometime next year.

Tonygonsalves335 said...

If there is NOT to be a storm 9570 from Verizon then there damn well better be something fantastic to take it's place. I among i'm sure thousands of storm fans were looking to upgrading our storm phones.

Tonygonsalves335 said...

I agree withcameronmangeast

HomerI8 said...

GSM come on its way. ill be buying an 9560 if it ever comes out

James Brandon Payne said...

I currently have a pearl 8130 and was attempting to hold out on the storm 9570 for bb 6 and a nice touch screen like the 9550 with suretype. This really breaks my heart cause I don't want os 5.0 yet want a touch screen phone. Verizon better get a new bb touch screen quick or rim better release a cdma version of the new pearl or else they may lose a loving customer.

David Marsh said...

i agree.. i need to hear a date and some more info on the next storm.. becuz i am really thinkin of going droid.. and it is really really hard waiting and holding out when you see all these great phones comming out..
how good is this LTE going to be .. and will it be just in the cities?

rezn said...

Besides this kind of being of damper. I have to say the site looks great guys! BBLeaks kicked it up. I've seen a few page updates here but this is by far my favorite. As well as the function is much easier to navigate. ;)

infinblck said...

This is very upsetting to say the least. Verizon\RIM put out a touchscreen phone that was touted as a game changer intially. For all the people that got the storm 1, storm 2 seemed like it was going to be the fix. After a year with the storm 2, while IPhone 4gs and Droid 1, 2, 3,...etc. have come and gone, you start to wonder if there is ever going to be any hope! Verizon understanding that it has a large BB community and their growing fustartion needs to address this issue with some sort of timeframe on what people can expect. Unfortunately for me, I have to stay with BB for work, otherwise I would have already switched to something else. I hope my company decides to go with androids, possiblity of that happening seems to be a lot higher than RIM or Verizon ever doing anything about their lack of products.

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