BlackBerry 9800 Slider Coming in the Color White?

It has become a steady trend for RIM to release different colored BlackBerry devices. So far the mainstream colors are the classic black as well as white. We've even seen a few interesting colors in the 8500 series (since these are entry level devices targeted at a younger consumer).

We are now hearing rumors that the upcoming BlackBerry 9800 slider should also receive a secondary color choice of white. It is interesting to wonder if the white version of the 9800 will release simultaneously with the classic black. Or, will RIM do their usual marketing of waiting to release the white colored version in hopes of garnering additional sales on the "revamped" BlackBerry model.

Needless to say "WhiteBerrys" are becoming very popular. Perhaps, if the rumors are true, we will see a nice, sleek, and white 9800 in the near future. Would a white 9800 make you even more interested in buying this device?


Mattbiggar said...

"Black"berry all the way!

Mr Max said...

Yes it would I would buy that right away .

2precious4u said...

Purple please!

Sparhawk said...

definitely black

K2hurley said...

I would buy the torch right away if it came in white

USB 3G said...

It is good imformation to know more. Thanks for share!

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