RIM Officially Responds to Apple's False BlackBerry Radio Antenna Claims

Yesterday, some of you may have watched or read about the Apple press conference. There, Apple discussed the issues the iPhone 4 has been experiencing with its new radio antenna design. Apple then decided to take a bite into their three leading competitors phones by attempting to show how they suffer the same problem.

Apple showed a BlackBerry Bold 9700, which when "death gripped", went from full bar signal to almost no bars. Perhaps this Bold 9700 was on AT&T, however, even a poor network shouldn't cause such a drastic drop in signal strength. Since these claims, RIM co-CEOs, Jim Balsillie and Mike Lazaridis, had this to say in response:

"Apple's attempt to draw RIM into Apple's self-made debacle is unacceptable. Apple's claims about RIM products appear to be deliberate attempts to distort the public's understanding of an antenna design issue and to deflect attention from Apple's difficult situation. RIM is a global leader in antenna design and has been successfully designing industry-leading wireless data products with efficient and effective radio performance for over 20 years. During that time, RIM has avoided designs like the one Apple used in the iPhone 4 and instead has used innovative designs which reduce the risk for dropped calls, especially in areas of lower coverage. One thing is for certain, RIM's customers don't need to use a case for their BlackBerry smartphone to maintain proper connectivity. Apple clearly made certain design decisions and it should take responsibility for these decisions rather than trying to draw RIM and others into a situation that relates specifically to Apple."
It will be interesting to see if this becomes an even more heated debate. We're certain that RIM responded accordingly. Do you think Apple stepped out of line with their preposterous claims? Have you experienced severe signal loss on your BlackBerry with a "death grip"?


MisterTEE said...

Bold 9000 user. for the past day i have been doing everything under the sun to drop the bars. nothing. death grip it till i die it hasn't moved from 5 bars. won't as much as budge from -70 dBm.

aharrison said...

After hearing about Jobs' claims, a couple of guys at my office (one an apple iphone guy, the other hoping for a chance to make fun of him) tried to get my 9630 to go down. They couldn't. If anything, it went up slightly. And the cell reception isn't very good at my office (-110db iirc?). If it were susceptible to this kind of problem, I'd think it would be very noticeable under those conditions.

Michael Marian Media said...

I've tried to make my iPhone 3G lose signal strength. No can do. I do experience dropped calls but kinda got used to it. the luster for iPhone is gone for a number of reasons. Apps smapps. I use it as an ipod and a phone. Google Maps are great. Email really sucks. I've got my money on Droid next.

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