Rogers Getting the BlackBerry 9800 Slider Exclusively in Canada?

According to a new rumor, Rogers Wireless in Canada is said to be getting the BlackBerry Bold/Torch 9800 Slider exclusively. This could be a huge blow to Telus and Bell.

Currently, Telus and Bell both have had the Storm1 and Storm2 touchscreen devices. If this rumor is true, the 9800 will be Rogers' first touchscreen BlackBerry.

Are you on Rogers and looking forward to possibly getting the 9800 Slider?


aztek13 said...

I'm on Rogers. Have been before Rogers bought out Cantel way back when. I hope this rumour is true because I'd love to get a 9800. Too bad I'm not due for an upgrade for another 1 1/2 yrs. :(

Schultzter said...

Assuming it's HSPA what stops you from buying no-contract and getting it unlocked to use on Bell or Telus?!

dee said...

Don't worry!!! It might be 1 1/2 years when they release the darn thing. Still waiting for AT&T release date!!! UGH!!!!

MisterTEE said...

On rogers and due for an upgrade from my 9000 in August. I'll be picking it up the day of release for sure regardless of when it is released.

MB said...

Oh noooooooooo, buying, unlocking and swapping simcards. Such a big disapointment....

MB said...

"if" it's HSPA, let's hope!

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