BlackBerry 'BlackPad' Tablet to Release in November?

New credible reports are coming out that the BlackBerry tablet will be releasing in November. The name 'BlackPad' is said to be its final production title. While there have been many rumors regarding the specs on the tablet a few of them have supposedly been confirmed.

The BlackPad is said to be releasing with a 9.7-inch screen, 1Ghz processor, front and back facing cameras for video conferencing, WiFi, and bluetooth technology that will allow users to connect their BlackBerry devices to the BlackPad for utilizing the internet.

“They can’t wait for a second generation of devices from Apple or they’ll fall too far behind,” said Ashok Kumar, an analyst with Rodman & Renshaw Inc. in New York. This is one of the reasons why we should see the BlackPad released in November instead of early 2011.

There is a rumored price-tag of $499.

If everything comes to fruition it sounds as though RIM could bring a tablet to the market that may compete very well with the Apple iPad. If all of the specs are true and price is right, will you buy a BlackPad?


bblover said...

depends on the price....

Dean said...

This is such a bad photoshop job.
This doesn't even deserve to be posted, just starting more and more rumors.

Just really look at the picture of it closely. Complete CR*P

Reverepats said...

ur an idiot........retard

BerryInformed said...

No one said or even implied that the image was anything other than a visual aid. No one has seen the elusive "BlackPad".

BerryInformed said...

I do, indeed, plan to purchase one of these bad boys. Do we have any more "hints" as to the potential separate flash processor?

guest said...


G507043 said...

Yes I'd buy it just to boost sales vis a vis iPad. I have many apple product including iMac Macbook Pro and iPod (Had an iPhone but discovered it sucks as a phone). I'm so sick of the apple hype I refuse to buy apple product going forward. I know have my BB of course (soon to be the slider!) a Lenovo thinkpad x100e (beats my old Air hands down) and a Zune player (which is actually better than an iPod but you'll never hear the media report that!)

Greg Smith said...

Definitely need to see this thing in action because at this point every other company that has tried to come to market with a tablet has utterly failed or has became vaporware.

I'm sure RIM is serious about it if they announced they're making it, the only questions that remain are WHEN? and WHAT OS?? I don't know if I would be excited about a blown up Blackberry OS... even if it's OS 6.

Abraham said...

I am so getting one of these when its released. I hope it has the 9.7" screen. I think anything less than that would be way too small for me to use. I am a big fan of Blackberry and I really hope that they can pull it off. I would also love to see and expanded App Word 2.0 with more software choices.

Fdsgretet said...

Depends on the resolution. I need the vertical resolution as 768 minimum since 600 needs a lot of scrolling which I hate. 1366x768 will be the best.

Blackpad said...

Blackberry are really trying to catch up with technology as apple do, though slowly, but surely; Now, all they have to do is add more free (useful) apps, Because the RIM app store just has a fraction of apps that the iPad/iPhone ecosystem possesses. But I?m puzzled; iTunes is so strict that third-party software like ifunia, who declared they are dedicated in creating affordable and easy multimedia software to simplify your Mac life, actually they did, cannot get in to it.

Tking213 said...

Damn straight...a tablet that I won't have to pay an extra $30 TO Verizon each month for...can't wait til November!

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