First Screenshots of BlackBerry 6 on a Bold 9650!

For anyone that may have doubted that they would see BlackBerry 6 aka OS 6.0 for their beloved Bold 9650, you are in luck. Here are the first screenshots of OS 6 taken from a living, breathing Bold 9650.

As you may know, the Bold 9650 has 512MB flash RAM, which seems it may be the minimum requirements to run OS 6. In a recent video showing the 9800 Slider and screenshots of the Bold 9780, we see that OS 6.0 takes up about 260MB of memory. Things aren't looking too good for devices with only 256MB RAM.

It will be interesting to see what else we might find in the future, make sure you keep checking back. Bold 9650 users are you getting excited? Those who don't own a 9650, is it looking more enticing?


Phillip Schaefer said...


Phillip Schaefer said...


Ndee1234 said...

As a 9700, this is kinda depressing. Sure I'm happy for the 9650 owners out there that will get all the treats of OS6 but thinking that by 9700 isn't even 10 months old and will get left behind with all this is just really sad.

Vmaglion said...

leak leak leak!!!

Brock said...

I'm curious to see how OS6 performs on the 9650 (lots of lag or not much, etc.)

Juwaack68 said...

I'm so glad I upgraded.....can't wait to get the new OS!

Razor1973 said...

And I just got my 9650 last week! Woohoo! :D

BethAnn262 said...

How do I get this on my 9650? Do I pay for it?

Hercules K said...

looks great can't wait to get it on my Tour

MadGasser said...

You won't be able to get OS6 on your Tour, it doesn't have enough RAM.

Moe said...

Some pictures had shown OS 6 using as little as 210 mb of memory. We all have to wait and see what Blackberry and AT&T have to show on Tuesday Aug 3....

Moe said...

Wait, didn't you posted before " We have received SOLID word from one of our connects that these will be the following "older" devices to receive OS 6.0 once released" and listed several devices with 256 mb ?

iloveblackberry said...

i must agree with you my bro :) it's happening to my S2 :( sad

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