Curious What European Carriers are Testing the BlackBerry 9800 Slider? Here's Who...

It really hasn't been too much of a mystery as to which USA and Canadian carriers would be getting the BlackBerry 9800 Slider. However, there hasn't been very much information regarding European carriers.

We have been informed that the following is an accurate list of European carriers currently testing the 9800. Although the carriers may be testing the 9800, this does not necessarily confirm that they will in fact release the device. We have also been told that this is not a complete list, there could be more. The EU carriers we know who are currently testing:
  • Vodafone UK (and other countries)
  • O2 UK and DE
  • T-Mobile UK (and other countries)
  • Telefonica
  • Orange
It will be interesting to see which European carriers picks up the 9800. Clearly, the 9800 is going to be a flagship device and we wouldn't doubt if all of the carriers testing the 9800 will offer it. 

Is your carrier listed? If the 9800 does release on your carrier will you buy it?


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